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change library list

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  • change library list

    Okay im working in an environment where we have multiple companies on one box.
    There are some tables (for example inventory) that are in corporate environment
    (library) and are shared across comanies with a unique key of company number.
    while other tables are unique to companies (for example customer master) and
    are kept in that companies library. That said I needed a program to copy a
    quote from one company to the other....So I wrote a version of the below code
    to do this. It first grabs the incoming library list....then changes the library
    list depending on the incoming company number. Then at the end of program it
    reads thru all the libraries skipping the system, current and product libraries
    and builds a chglibl command with the remaining user library list to return to
    the original library list. I guess the point I wanted to share was the
    change of the library list on the fly....I will compile this program in its
    activation group so as to not be effected by other programs that may do
    returns rather than seton *INLR.

    PHP Code:
    the code
           // compile with activation group *NEW
           // PROGRAM - OENBE1
           // PURPOSE - run Quotes update program(s) after copy
           //           quote from one company to another.
           // WRITTEN - 
           // AUTHOR  - 

          //  Entry Plist

    d OENBE1          pr
         d  InToComp                     15  5

         d OENBE1          pi
         d  InToComp                     15  5

          // Program Info

    d                SDS
    @PGM                   1     10
    @PARMS                37     39  0
    @MSGDTA               91    170
    @MSGID               171    174
    @JOB                 244    253
    @USER                254    263
    @JOB#                264    269  0

          // Variables

    d AllLibs         s              6  0
         d ChrQuote        s              7
         d cmdlength       s             15  5
         d cmdstring       s            256
         d Count           s              3  0
         d DecQuote        s              7  0 inz
         d LibraryList     s             11    dim
    d LX              s              3  0
         d OutType         s              1
         d skiplibs        s              3  0
         d str             s              9  0

          //  External Calls

    d $GetLibList     PR                  ExtPgm('QUSRJOBI')
    d RcvVar                     32767    Options(*VarSize)
    d LengthRcv                     10I 0 Const
    d FormatName                     8A   Const
    d QualJobName                   26    Const
    d InternalJobId                 16    Const
    d Error_ds                      15

          //  Data Structures

    d ds_job10700     Ds         32767
         d  BYTRTN                       10i 0
         d  BYTVAL                       10i 0
         d  QJOBNM                 9     34
         d  JOBNAM                 9     18
         d  USRNAM                19     28
         d  JOBNBR                29     34
         d  INTID                 35     50
         d  JOBSTS                51     60
         d  JOBTYP                61     61
         d  SUBTYP                62     62
         d  RESRV                 63     64
         d  SYSLIB                       10i 0
         d  PRDLIB                       10i 0
         d  CURLIB                       10i 0
         d  USRLIB                       10i 0
         d  LIB1                  81   2000

         d ds_Error        Ds            15
         d  BytesProvided                10I 0 inz
    d  BytesAvail                   10I 0
         d  ErrorId                       7

          //  External Calls

    d $command        pr                  extpgm('QCMDEXC')
    d   command                   5000    options(*varsize)
    d   Length                      15  5

         d $oen32          pr                  extpgm
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   Quote#                       7    const
    d   QuoteLine#                   3    options(*nopass)

    d $oen33          pr                  extpgm('OEN33')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   Quote#                       7    const

    d $oen43          pr                  extpgm('OEN43')
    d   Quote#                       7    const
    d   Type                         1    const

    d $oen06          pr                  extpgm('OEN06')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen141         pr                  extpgm('OEN141')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen142         pr                  extpgm('OEN142')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen13          pr                  extpgm('OEN13')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen131         pr                  extpgm('OEN131')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen10          pr                  extpgm('OEN10')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen23          pr                  extpgm('OEN23')
    d   Type                         1    const
    d   DecQuote#                    7  0 const

    d $oen161         pr                  extpgm('OEN161')
    d   Type                         1    const

             //       C a l c u l a t i o n  S p e c s

    :'*' : *Blanks ds_Error);

    AllLibs =  (SysLib  PrdLib CurLib UsrLib);
    SkipLibs =  (SysLib  PrdLib CurLib);
    str 1;
    count 1 to AllLibs;
    LX +=1;
                        if %
    subst(LIB1:str:11) <> *blanks;
    libraryList(LX) =  %subst(LIB1:str:11);
    str += 11;

    when InToComp 15;
    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE LBIQUOTES';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE LBIOBJ';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE LBIFIL';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE LBIOBJ';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE LBIFIL';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE LBIQUOTES';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    when InToComp 18;
    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE LSNQUOTES';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE LSNOBJ';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE LSNFIL';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE LSNOBJ';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE LSNFIL';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE LSNQUOTES';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    when InToComp 30;
    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE PDMQUOTES';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE PDMOBJ';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'RMVLIBLE PDMFIL';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE PDMOBJ';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE PDMFIL';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;

    cmdstring 'ADDLIBLE PDMQUOTES';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    exsr $runCommand;


    exsr $callprograms;
    exsr $replaceLibl;
    inlr = *on;

            // $runCommand - run commands
    begsr $runCommand;

    $command (cmdstring:cmdlength);


            // $callprograms - call the programs to update quote
    begsr $callprograms;

             // call the program with corrected library list

    ChrQuote = *all'0';
    OutType = *blanks;
    $OEN32(OutType ChrQuote);
    $OEN33(OutType ChrQuote);
    OutType 'Q';
    $OEN43(ChrQuote OutType);
    $OEN06(OutType DecQuote);

    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    $command (cmdstring:cmdlength);

    $OEN141(OutType DecQuote);
    $OEN142(OutType DecQuote);
    $OEN13 (OutType DecQuote);
    $OEN131(OutType DecQuote);
    $OEN10 (OutType DecQuote);
    $OEN23 (OutType DecQuote);

    cmdstring 'DLTOVR FILE(OEIDORDB)';
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    $command (cmdstring:cmdlength);



            // $replacelibl - replace the library list
    begsr $replacelibl;


    cmdstring 'CHGLIBL LIBL(';
    count 1 to AllLibs;
    LibraryList(count)  <> *blanks and
    count SkipLibs;
    cmdstring = %trim(cmdstring) +
    trim(LibraryList(count)) + '@';
    str += 11;
    cmdstring = %trim(cmdstring) + ')';
    cmdstring = %xlate('@':' ':cmdstring);
    cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
    $command (cmdstring:cmdlength);


    Attached Files
    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
    and I take no responsibility for any of them.