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Program Modification Notation

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  • Program Modification Notation


    In the group's opinion, what is the best way to make a notation of a program change in free formatted RPG. I want to make a notation of my new subroutine.



    ... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ..
    //************************************************** **************** DAC1
    // SelAddP - Include the added payments into batch
    //************************************************** ****************

    BegSr SelAddP;

    Read RptFindaL1;
    Dow Not %Eof(RptFindaL1);

    PlFilNum = Add_PlFilNum;
    Chain Pay_KeyA RPTFINDP;
    If %Found (RPTFINDP);

    If SelAGCY = Add_Plagncy;

  • #2
    Re: Program Modification Notation

    versioning from your change managment software.
    no mod marks in any program source...clean is always better.

    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
    and I take no responsibility for any of them.


    • #3
      Re: Program Modification Notation

      Personally .. I HATE seeing 720 lines of Commented Code from modifications in a 32 line Source File.

      I'm going to cringe when I say this .. but, I have to agree with Jamie here... Versions is the BEST way to go.



      • #4
        Re: Program Modification Notation

        If you can't do version control, the editor has an option to automatically add a "signature" in cols 1-5 of the source for changed/added lines.
        I don't use it, but its an option when you lack better controls.
             C                   If        Condition1
        TJB  C                   Read      File3
             C                   EndIf
             C                   If        Condition2
             C                   Read      File2
             C                   Endif


        • #5
          Re: Program Modification Notation

          As much as I hate saying it, I agree with Rick and Jamie. Otherwise you end up with this:

               F*   3/23/90 - PS AA 0013 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed to add Annuity Conversion section to first   *
               F*             screen and allow an old policy # to be entered       *
               F*             there and editing for errors.                        *
               F*   7/10/90 - MK PI 0023 -                                         *
               F*             Added SPDA XV to maturity date calculations.         *
               F*   1/13/91 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Removed "accumulation value as of last tran. date"   *
               F*             from first display.                                  *
               F*   2/28/91 - MK PI 0023 -                                         *
               F*             Took out SPDA XV - never sold.                       *
               F*   4/24/91 - DP AA 0010 -                                         *
               F*             Added edits for changing of plan codes.              *
               F*   5/09/91 - DP AA 0011 -                                         *
               F*             Added warning message for lump sum amount not valid  *
               F*             for plan code                                        *
               F*   5/23/91 - DP MS 0001 -                                         *
               F*             Added editing for changing plan codes from FPDA to   *
               F*             SPDA.                                                *
               F*   6/29/91 - DP MS 0001 -                                         *
               F*             Added checking in file PRDAPPRV to see if product    *
               F*             being keyed is approved for sale in the issue        *
               F*             state entered.                                       *
               F*   7/11/91 - DP MS 0001 -                                         *
               F*             Changed editing of product approval in issue state   *
               F*             to only be done until policy is issued.              *
               F*  10/29/91 - MK PI 0026 -                                         *
               F*             Added SPDA XV to maturity date calculations.         *
               F*  12/08/91 - MK PI 0030 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Added SPDA XIB, XIVB, XVB to maturity date calc.     *
               F*   1/20/92 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed way ANNCVDSP was called - now pass date to   *
               F*             be used through QPARMS (UDATE from here!).           *
               F*   2/28/92 - MK PI 0025 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed to output a 'B' in nursing home benefit      *
               F*             code if  SPDA with issue age between 0 and 75 and the*
               F*             policy issue date is on or after 3/1/92.             *
               F*             Maintain only until issue, after issue the code will *
               F*             not change.                                          *
               F*   3/09/92 - MK PI 0031 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed to include issue ages 0 through 80 on SPDA-  *
               F*             90 products to be allowed the Nursing Home Benefit.  *
               F*   3/10/92 - XX XX XXXX - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed PAYORANN file name to PAYORANK for Matt L.   *
               F*   3/27/92 - MK PI 0030 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Added SPDA XVIA, XVIB, XVIC, XVID, XVIE, & XVIF      *
               F*             to maturity date calc.                               *
               F*   5/25/92 - DP MS 0002 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed to use life policy dividend option to        *
               F*             determine billing option in annuity master file.     *
               F*   6/29/92 - UW AA 0007 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Made changes to duel maintain the new OWNER file.    *
               F*             All changes to the OWNER file will also affect the   *
               F*             PAYORANN file.  Also, added code to skip the 2nd     *
               F*             display if the mode premium is equal to *ZEROS.      *
               F*             Add owner name to parms when calling SRCHNAME.       *
               F*             Move owner state code to FXPSTA.  I also tested the  *
               F*             application signed date for 8/10/1992 to see if I    *
               F*             needed to add 10 or 15 years to the issue date to    *
               F*             calculate the maturity date.                         *
               F*   7/13/92 - UW AA 0008 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Added code to COMIT if QPRDSP = 'N', else ROLBK.     *
               F*             This is when *IN17 = '1' (PROTECT).                  *
               F*   8/10/92 - UW AA 0007 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Fix record locks.                                    *
               F*   9/01/92 - UW AA 0007 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Delete OWNPRSNL record if OSEX = 'N'.  Allow a SSN#  *
               F*             of '999-99-9999' or '99-9999999' to be entered.      *
               F*   9/03/92 - UW AA 0007 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed OWNER file name to OWNERK for COMIT.         *
               F*   9/21/92 - UW AA 0007 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Added two warning messages to display when the issue *
               F*             age is in error.   I also added edit to keep a user  *
               F*             from changing a policy under systematic withdrawal   *
               F*             to a different plan.                                 *
               F*  10/07/92 - UW AA 0007 - Another Programmer                      *
               F*             Changed to no longer duel maintain the Insured and   *
               F*             the Payor name and address information in   NMAS.    *
               F*  11/25/92 - UW AA 0010 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to edit the ownership code (FXOWND)       *
               F*  12/14/92 - AT AA 0015 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Changed to initialize the new remaining premium      *
               F*             field FXRMPR.                                        *
               F*  01/22/93 - MK PI 0040 - Marilynn Miller                         *
               F*             Added SPDA-34 & SPDA-92 products.                    *
               F*  02/11/93 - MK PI 0040 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             I allowed the plan code to be changed on systematic  *
               F*             withdrawals if the payment status (PYSTCD) is equal  *
               F*             to an 'S'.                                           *
               F*  08/19/93 - DP SE 0007 Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to handle the size change of the field PFERYR*
               F*             in the file PCTFAC.  A work field is now being used  *
               F*             instead of PFERYR to determine if the rate           *
               F*             determination date is valid since PFERYR now has     *
               F*             century loaded in it.                                *
               F*  08/24/93 - EX AA 0007 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added CMD7 to call attachment selection program.     *
               F*  09/09/93 - AT PI 0001 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to update the nursing home confinement    *
               F*             code to a 'B' for ages 0-75 for the FPDA-P0, FPDA-P2,*
               F*             and FPDA-P4 plans.  This was done by checking the    *
               F*             processing class (MPPCLS) in MSTPLN equal to SFPA.   *
               F*  10/13/93 - MK PI 0056 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added compares for the FPDA-SBS product (same as     *
               F*             FPDA-P0, P2, & P4).                                  *
               F*  11/23/93 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Added an unlock of PERSNL file to                    *
               F*             help record lock problems in Alpha Search.           *
               F*  12/10/93 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed the compare for the nursing home confinement *
               F*             letter to use the field MPCLS# instead of CLS# for   *
               F*             the FPDA P0, P2, P4 and SBS products.  The SBS       *
               F*             would never get a letter because CLS# was only 2     *
               F*             bytes long.                                          *
               F*  01/02/94 - MK AA 0011 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Added Rate Type field to screen and edits to         *
               F*             insure that an R is keyed if an entry is needed.     *
               F*             This code will be used for policies that get         *
               F*             additional money from troubled companies and need    *
               F*             to put it with original money.  They will get a      *
               F*             blended interest rate in POLRATE so some of the      *
               F*             IIIB editing will be used for these also.            *
               F*             Also changed protect code on old policy # and        *
               F*             interest rate fields.                                *
               F*  03/21/94 - UW AA 0012 - Another Programmer                               *
               F*             Changed dates to include century to fix maturity     *
               F*             date problem and get ready for year 2000.            *
               F*  04/04/94 - EX AA 0007 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fix Issue age warning message. Add parms to ENDSELCT.*
               F*  04/11/94 - UW AA 0012 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fix bug when calculating Maturity date & Issued      *
               F*             birth date.                                          *
               F*  04/15/94 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Allow FXCNFM code to be changed from ' ' to 'B', but *
               F*             not from 'B' to ' '.                                 *
               F*  04/18/94 - EX AA 0007 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to automatically add required attachments *
               F*  04/21/94 - UW AA 0012 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fix bug when loading the confinment code (FXCNFM).   *
               F*  04/24/94 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Request inserts if the confinement code changes in   *
               F*             update mode.                                         *
               F*  05/10/94 - UW AA 0012 - Another Programmer                               *
               F*             Fix problem with comparing birth dates caused by     *
               F*             changing to century.                                 *
               F*  06/01/94 - UW AA 0013 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             If the issue date changes and the policy is NOT      *
               F*             issued, recalculate the maturity date.               *
               F*  06/09/94 - AT PI 0003 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Add the FPDA XI95 product.  Changed to use the       *
               F*             minimum cash value test field in MSTPLN to determine *
               F*             if the product requires at least 15 year maturity    *
               F*             date.                                                *
               F*  08/15/94 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Add code to attach the NHR attachment to a policy    *
               F*             if it is required.  Add NHR confinement code to the  *
               F*             Annuity update screen.                               *
               F*  08/16/94 - EX PI 0002 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Add the FPDA GIRA product.                           *
               F*  08/25/94 - UW MS 0001 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Changed to only plug *DATE into QCYMD if it is       *
               F*             equal to zero.                                       *
               F*  09/14/94 - EX AA 0007 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fixed problem when displaying Attachment error msg.  *
               F*             The ERRMSG keyword was blanking out the changed data.*
               F*  09/15/94 - EX AA 0007 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fixed problem with 9/14/94 Fix.                      *
               F*  10/03/94 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Don't allow the user to change the issue date unless *
               F*             all the history is reversed.                         *
               F*  10/28/94 - DP AA 0026 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added additional edits for the owner sex code and    *
               F*             birth date.  I freed up some indicators by displaying*
               F*             the error messages on the 1st screen in a field in-  *
               F*             stead of using the ERRMSG key word.                  *
               F*  02/03/95 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Fixed problem with calculating duration.  The program*
               F*             was using *YEAR and comparing it to issue month and  *
               F*             day to determine if another year needed to be added  *
               F*             to duration.  It should be comparing UMONTH & UDAY   *
               F*             instead of *YEAR.  This was causing the program to   *
               F*             NOT calc intended premium on products that were not a*
               F*             method 'E' and the issue year was not equal to *YEAR *
               F*             (issue year = 1994 and *YEAR = 1995).  This made the *
               F*             duration = 2 when it should have been = 1.  I think  *
               F*             it has been like this since 3/24/1994.               *
               F*  03/02/95 - PS AA 0045 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to seton an indicator to display the mes- *
               F*             sage "Special Renewal Offer Selected - Interest Rate *
               F*             & Surrender Penalties Affected:" if renewal interest *
               F*             select on policy.                                    *
               F*  03/02/95 - UW AA 0016 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Changed this program to allow an annuity type of     *
               F*             POPST on employee annuities (SPA EMP).               *
               F*  04/05/95 - AT PI 0004 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Removed the hard coding of products that have        *
               F*             systematic withdrawals and replaced with looking at  *
               F*             the field MPSYSW in the file MSTPLN equal to 'Y'     *
               F*             to determine if the policy can have systematic       *
               F*             withdrawals.  Also, add some editing and some calcs  *
               F*             for the maturity date for the SPDA-GC products.      *
               F*             Changed so the insured birthdate can not be blanked  *
               F*             out if the application date if on or after 8/10/1992.*
               F*  04/27/95 - AT PI 0004 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to allow for a confinement code = to 'P'. *
               F*             FXCNFM = 'P' means the Confinement benefit is within *
               F*             the policy form.                                     *
               F*  05/31/95 - AT PI 0004 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Fixed a bug when editing for the maturity date for   *
               F*             SPDA-GC product.  When calculating the ISSUE date    *
               F*             when the insured is 95 the BIRTH month & day was     *
               F*             being used instead of the ISSUE month & day.         *
               F*  07/07/95 - DP AA 0023 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed the maturity date calculations to use the    *
               F*             new fields in MSTPLN to calculate the maturity date. *
               F*             These new fields are MPMIMY, MPMXMA, MPMCYS and      *
               F*             MPMCAG.                                              *
               F*  07/13/95 - EX AA 0007 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed "endorsement" to "attachment".               *
               F*  07/25/95 - MK AA 0011 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Eliminated delete of POLRATE record and three edits  *
               F*             concerning the interest rate that was keyed here     *
               F*             but now is calculated in ANNSTSUD.  Also took out    *
               F*             edit that allowed rehabilitation policies to not get *
               F*             a hit in PCTFAC.                                     *
               F*  08/08/95 - UW AA 0008 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Initialize FXOPST.  Previous call to program was     *
               F*             remembering last value and seting on *IN17.          *
               F*  10/04/95 - UW MS 0001 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Took off the half-adjust when calculating commission *
               F*             on deposit records.                                  *
               F*  10/25/95 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to load new century fields in QCOMUP parm.   *
               F*  11/01/95 - UW AA 0019 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Changed to calculate a maturity date for employee    *
               F*             annuities.                                           *
               F*  12/14/95 - DP SE 0017 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fixed some date compares that didn't use the century.*
               F*  01/01/96 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changes for the new Nursing Home/Hospital confilement*
               F*             endorsements.                                        *
               F*  01/04/96 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fixed Endorsement Edit in ADDEND subroutine.  Added  *
               F*             compare to compare state withdrawn date to the Issue *
               F*             date ( WDCYMD <= ISCYMD).                            *
               F*  01/11/96 - DP SE 0017 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to insure that the due date is valid in   *
               F*             add mode.                                            *
               F*  01/18/96 - DP SE 0017 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to maintain the FXNXBD (Due day entered). *
               F*  01/23/96 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to update the inserts flag only when the     *
               F*             confinement flag is updated to a 'B'.   This way     *
               F*             the Nursing home rider letter will print if the      *
               F*             confinement flag is changed to a 'B'.                *
               F*  01/26/96 - DP SE 0017 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to use the Century year code field from      *
               F*             ANNMASK.                                             *
               F*  02/08/96 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Fixed change made on 1/04/96.  I was using UDATE     *
               F*             instead of Issue date.                               *
               F*  02/09/96 - DP SE 0017 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Last transaction date (FXLT) was getting invalid     *
               F*             dates loaded to it if the issue date was entered     *
               F*             incorrectly.  I fixed this.                          *
               F*  03/06/96 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Changed this program to put the lump sum plus mode   *
               F*             premium amount into the remaining premium field.     *
               F*             This is being done so that remaining premium free    *
               F*             type policies, when valued prior to issue, will have *
               F*             the correct free amount.                             *
               F*  06/02/96 - AT PI 0004 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Removed code to load 9999 to the salary savings      *
               F*             batch number (FXBCH#) for the group annuity.  The    *
               F*             group annuity is now an individual annuity.          *
               F*  06/27/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to use new fields in the attachment master   *
               F*             and the attachment cross reference files (ENDMSTPF,  *
               F*             ENDPRDXF, & ENDFRMXF).                               *
               F*  07/01/96 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to always edit the issue state.              *
               F*  07/09/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             This is PHASE I of the "FBG" conversion process.     *
               F*             I removed ANNMASK and replace this file with the new *
               F*             "FBG" files (ANNMSTRK & ANNPYMTK).  I renamed some   *
               F*             date fields on the display and added a few edits     *
               F*             for the new date fields.  I added two data structures*
               F*             so that I could tell which file was being changed.   *
               F*  10/02/96 - PS AA 0043 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to for adding duplicate type attachments. *
               F*             If there are multiple attachments of the same type,  *
               F*             I attach them all and then turn around and detach the*
               F*             ones I don't want.                                   *
               F*  10/09/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Removed code that is updating FXASTK per Ron.  We no *
               F*             longer generate the 3X5 card.  Also change to auto-  *
               F*             matically fill in either the payment issue date or   *
               F*             the contract issue date depending on which payment   *
               F*             number is being entered.                             *
               F*  11/03/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed to allow the users to key & maintain         *
               F*             additional payments for products with multiple       *
               F*             payments (bucket approach).                          *
               F*             Changed to load the payment# for the new payment to  *
               F*             QPAY# in QPARMS to be used for calls to other        *
               F*             programs.  Added code to calculate the insured's age *
               F*             at payment issue and load it to QCAGE for COMMUPD.   *
               F*             Added edits to not allow the rate determination date *
               F*             or payment issue date to be chg'd if there is any    *
               F*             gross premuim on the payment.                        *
               F*             Also changed to recalulate the insured age &/or owner*
               F*             age if the birthdates are changed.  All payments for *
               F*             the policy are updated with the new age.             *
               F*  11/21/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed to display a subfile of the payments for a   *
               F*             policy number when ANNUPD is called in display mode. *
               F*  12/03/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Add CMD9 to display a subfile of all payments for a  *
               F*             policy and the accumulation value, cash value, free  *
               F*             withdrawal available, and current interest rate.     *
               F*  12/13/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Add CMD9 to display a subfile of all payments for a  *
               F*             policy and the accumulation value, cash value, free  *
               F*             withdrawal available, and current interest rate.     *
               F*  12/14/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Add edit to not allow insert pages to be requested   *
               F*             if the index participation rate & initial index value*
               F*             have not been keyed for Equity Link products.  Do not*
               F*             allow CMD4 to be hit for an Equity Link product.     *
               F*             Allow an Equity link product to be keyed without     *
               F*             rates in PCTFAC file.                                *
               F*  12/22/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Added code to check product approval by PRODUCT      *
               F*             first, then by FORM#.                                *
               F*  12/22/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to only allow to request insert pages on  *
               F*             payment 1.  It is an error if requested on other     *
               F*             payments.                                            *
               F*  12/23/96 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added line of code that was deleted.                 *
               F*  02/20/97 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to edit issue state.                      *
               F*  03/19/97 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to get state abreviation from the ZIPCODE    *
               F*             file.  Removed STATZPLF file and added STATABRV file.*
               F*  04/25/97 - EX PI 0008 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to write or update the file CSVPOLXRF for *
               F*             a policy with FXHIER = 'C'.  Added edit to make sure *
               F*             the new policy is replacing a policy with the class  *
               F*             and class# that the conservation product was set up  *
               F*             to replace.  Add code to require an old policy# to   *
               F*             be keyed for the conservation products.              *
               F*  05/08/97 - UW AA 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code so a user could not confine a non-person. *
               F*             I also added code to recalculate the maturity date   *
               F*             anytime the user changes the insured's birthdate or  *
               F*             the contract issue date.                             *
               F*  05/28/97 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to set the owner state code to 51 if the  *
               F*             owner address is flagged as foreign.                 *
               F*  06/10/97 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             If the owner address is NOT foreign, force the user  *
               F*             to key a valid zipcode.                              *
               F*  06/16/97 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Change edit to not allow insert pages to be requested*
               F*             if there is not a record in INDEXRTS file with an    *
               F*             effective date > or = to the issue date of the       *
               F*             policy.                                              *
               F*  07/10/97 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to display an error message if someone    *
               F*             else has a record lock on any file in this program.  *
               F*             This will keep this program from receiving a halt    *
               F*             when two users are trying to view the same policy.   *
               F*  08/08/97 - EX AA 0022 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to compare the annuity processing start   *
               F*             date in the company file to the issue date of the    *
               F*             payment before checking to see if the deposit amt    *
               F*             in deposit system equals the lump sum amount keyed   *
               F*             on the screen.                                       *
               F*  08/26/97 - DP SE 0017 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Add century to all dates.                            *
               F*  09/18/97 - PS AA 0067 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to display the annuity history/TEFRA      *
               F*             screens when CMD8 is hit.                            *
               F*  10/27/97 - PS MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Add new value for MPISS. If MPISS = 2, then do not   *
               F*             allow inserts to be printed for the product and do   *
               F*             not allow the product to be issued.                  *
               F*  11/21/97 - EX PI 0009 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to process a transfer/conversion code     *
               F*             (MPTRCN) = 'A' like a 'C' is being processed.  Also, *
               F*             added an edit when MPTRCN = 'A' to make sure the     *
               F*             issue date of the policy being keyed is > or = to the*
               F*             old policy's anniversary date that takes the old     *
               F*             policy out of it's surrender charge period.          *
               F*  12/12/97 - EX PI 0009 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added additional parm field to be passed back from   *
               F*             the program ANNPASS.  The field is the online policy *
               F*             status (FXOPST).                                     *
               F*  01/24/98 - EX PI 0009 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to have the conservation products go      *
               F*             through the edit where "lump sum has to equal the    *
               F*             deposit amount".  They weren't going through this    *
               F*             since they were SPDA's and the old policy# field was *
               F*             not zero.                                            *
               F*  02/25/98 - EX AA 0025 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to load the field ANNUTYPE with ANNMSTR's *
               F*             annuity type to be used in the data structure parm   *
               F*             ENPARM.                                              *
               F*  03/10/98 - PS AA 0068 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added code to call S & P 500 index window program    *
               F*             when CMD4 is pressed for an Equity Link product.     *
               F*  03/17/98 - PS PI 0001 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed to display a warning message window for      *
               F*              arning messages.  Changed to not display hard errors*
               F*             but to display warning messages when an old policy#  *
               F*             is not keyed for an internal rollover product or when*
               F*             an old policy# is keyed that is not the type of      *
               F*             product to be rolled to a rollover product.          *
               F*  03/26/98 - EX AA 0025 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed to handle ROTH annuity.                      *
               F*  04/27/98 - EX AA 0025 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Changed compare of endorsement type from TSTRO to    *
               F*             ROTH to load the issue date of the policy as the     *
               F*             effective date of ROTH endorsement.  TSTRO was left  *
               F*             in the program by mistake.                           *
               F*  06/16/98 - EX PI 0011 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added edits for changing maturity date for the new   *
               F*             "Magnum" products SPDA-1003, SPDA-1005, and SPDA-1007*
               F*                                                                  *
               F*              un-issued: The maturity date must equal the greater *
               F*                         of maturity date at age 75  ("MPMCAG")   *
               F*                         or issue date plus 15 years ("MPMCYS")   *
               F*                                                                  *
               F*             Issued:     The maturity date can not be less than   *
               F*                         5 years ("MPMIMY") from issued date.     *
               F*  07/20/98 - FC PI 0074 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added edits for changing maturity date for the       *
               F*             "Magnum" product SPDA-1010 (formerly Eagle product). *
               F*                                                                  *
               F*              un-issued: The maturity date must equal the greater *
               F*                         of maturity date at age 75  ("MPMCAG")   *
               F*                         or issue date plus 15 years ("MPMCYS")   *
               F*                                                                  *
               F*             Issued:     The maturity date can not be less than   *
               F*                         5 years ("MPMIMY") from issued date.     *
               F*  08/05/98 - EX PI 0011 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added temporary fix for SPDA 1010 endorsements.  The *
               F*             '1010(2/96)' form# was change to '1010 (2/96)'.      *
               F*  08/06/98 - PS AA 0076 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added policy number to ENPARM.                       *
               F*  08/07/98 - EX PI 0011 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added start and stop date to the product approval    *
               F*             file.  Added code to use these new dates.  Removed   *
               F*             08/05/98 change.                                     *
               F*  08/12/98 - PS MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to compare for FXFRGN = 'U' (Foreign address *
               F*             but USA citizen).                                    *
               F*  09/16/98 - EX PI 0014 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added edits for changing maturity date for the       *
               F*             "Conservator" product SPDA-C6.                       *
               F*                                                                  *
               F*              un-issued: The maturity date must equal the greater *
               F*                         of maturity date at age 75  ("MPMCAG")   *
               F*                         or issue date plus 15 years ("MPMCYS")   *
               F*                                                                  *
               F*             Issued:     The maturity date can not be less than   *
               F*                         5 years ("MPMIMY") from issued date.     *
               F*  10/26/98 - EX PI 0012 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Removed code to allow inserts to be flagged to print *
               F*             by the user.  A new option on the underwriting menu  *
               F*             will need to be used to flag for inserts to be       *
               F*             printed.  The code that was automatically flagging   *
               F*             inserts to be printed due to a change in the data    *
               F*             will remain in this program.  This change was done   *
               F*             due to Mosaic processing of printing policy pages.   *
               F*  12/09/98 - PS AA 0073 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to load the new field ISSOWNAGE in the    *
               F*             external data structure ENPARM.                      *
               F*  12/10/98 - PS AA 0073 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Added code to call the program REPLACEUPD to flag a  *
               F*             policy as a replacement policy.  Also added code to  *
               F*             use the parm field REPLACE when calling ENDSELCT.    *
               F*  12/20/98 - EX PI 0013 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Added a call to the equity link allocation percent   *
               F*             update program.  This program is called after the    *
               F*             file updates but immediately prior to the call of    *
               F*             COMMUPD for every FPDA EL policy.                    *
               F*  12/22/98 - EX PI 0013 - Another Programmer                             *
               F*             Added code to code calling EQLAPUPD to handle plan   *
               F*             code chgs and other chgs.
               F*  12/31/98 - EX PI 0016 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added the FPA-EMP2 Employee Annuity product.         *
               F*             (processing class = 'FEMP')                          *
               F*  01/07/99 - EX PI 0016 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Edit the FPA-EMP2 Employee Annuity product for       *
               F*             payment methods.                                     *
               F*  01/28/99 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added edit to not allow the user to enter an issue   *
               F*             date into the future.                                *
               F*  02/06/99 - EX AA 0025 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Removed allowing annuity type of RTHOR and added     *
               F*             allowing RTHRC and RTHRK.                            *
               F*  02/09/99 - UW MS 0001 - Another Programmer                          *
               F*             Change to only flag to print work sheets when a new  *
               F*             application keyed.  Otherwise the users have to      *
               F*             manually flag to print the work sheet.  This request *
               F*             was made by Pam Dupler.                              *
               F*  02/12/99 - DP MS 0001 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed edit made on 1/28/99 to allow SPIA issues    *
               F*             to be into the future.                               *
               F*  02/12/99 - UW PI 0008 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Added F24 key to display all the valid command keys. *
               F*             Added F13 key to display file routing.               *
               F*  03/01/99 - UW PI 0008 - Another Programmer                            *
               F*             Changed to pass the owners Tax ID# to FRSHTUPD.      *
          Wow! I had to delete half of the history just to post this!

          Uck!!! Don't be like my company! We now own Aldon's chang management product and STILL we do this crap!

          Choking on his own "comments",
          Last edited by MdnghtPgmr; April 27, 2007, 02:24 PM. Reason: Screwed up my last sentence.
          "Tis better to be thought a fool then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." - Benjamin Franklin


          • #6
            Re: Program Modification Notation

            Originally posted by arrow483 View Post
            If you can't do version control, the editor has an option to automatically add a "signature" in cols 1-5 of the source for changed/added lines.
            I don't use it, but its an option when you lack better controls.
                 C                   If        Condition1
            TJB  C                   Read      File3
                 C                   EndIf
                 C                   If        Condition2
                 C                   Read      File2
                 C                   Endif
            Except the original questions asked specifically about "free formatted RPG".
            "Time passes, but sometimes it beats the <crap> out of you as it goes."


            • #7
              Re: Program Modification Notation

              Something like this if you must do it:

              PHP Code:
              fc01 p Log             B                                                        
              fc01 d Log             PI                                                       
              fc01 d  p_error                        n                                        
              // Set up output values                                                  
              fc01       fxlevl e_objlvl;                                                   
              fc01       fxvers e_version;                                                  
              fc01       fxprm1 e_run_mode;                                                 
              fc01       fxprm2 = *blanks;                                                    
              fc01       fxprm3 = *blanks;                                                    
              fc01       fxprm4 = *blanks;                                                    
              fc01       fxprm5 = *blanks;                                                    
              fc01       fxlibr 
              fc01       fxuser user;                                                       
              fc01       fxdttm 
              = %timestamp();                                                     
              fc01       write
              fc01       if %error;                                                                 
              fc01           exsr *pssr;                                                            
              fc01       endif;                                                                     
              We now own Aldon's chang management product and STILL we do this crap!
              Yes, same here. Go figure.

              You don't stop playing games because you get old, You get old because you stop playing games!

