Giovanni B. Perotti |
RPG WEB development tools
- provides a number of tools that encourage RPG programmers in developing WEB applications on IBM System i.
- an Open Source site
- all the site utilities are repeatedly updated, as fixes or new features are requested by subscribers
- CGIDEV2 - ILE-RPG CGI development kit
- CGICBLDEV2 - ILE-COBOL CGI Development Kit
- CENTAUR2 - E-commerce CGI Demo
- JS2 - JavaScript Tutorial
- HOWTOAJAX - How to ... Ajax
- DB2XTOOLS - Convert database files to Excel, HTML, XML, Text
- PLCHECKUP - Program Library Check-Up
- WEBSQL - SQL for the WEB
- MMAIL - Send/Receive e-mail messages
- POP3READ - Receive e-mail messages
- IFSTOOL - IFS utilities
- HSSFCGI - Create native Excel spreadsheets supporting graphics
- XLPARSE2 - Read Excel XLS/XLSX spreadsheets with ILE-RPG
- ZIP - ZIP/UNZIP commands on the iSeries
- ZIPSAVE - Save & zip
- VRTSAV - Virtual Save and Transfer
- ODF - Object Distribution Facility
- SECTCP - Secure FTP and TELNET access
- FUPLOAD - File Upload / Download
All authored by Giovanni B. Perotti, Italy