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create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

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  • #16
    Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

    Hi All:

    I've added numeric editing for decimal positions 0 thru 9. If you have decimals > 9 positions the data is there but can only be seen by using the excel functions [9 will be displayed]. (format..number...decimal...)

    Column headings are in blue field names are in red.

    You can now process up to 200 columns for each of 3 files.

    Inter active existance testing is now being done...
    Batch non-existing files are completely bypassed.

    Column/Field headings are left/right adjusted if alpha/numeric.

    If you need more colors or formulas.....have a go at it.

    Best of Luck
    Attached Files
    Last edited by GLS400; March 4, 2009, 12:21 PM.
    The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity.....Abraham Lincoln


    • #17
      Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

      Here are some additional ideas on the subject.


      • #18
        Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

        Thats where all this started from Marty....We have now come full circle
        All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
        and I take no responsibility for any of them.


        • #19
          Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

          So true. Nice work guys!
          There are after all, many ways to skin a cat!
          Attached Files
          Last edited by itp; March 5, 2009, 06:59 PM. Reason: it's only an expression Hector!


          • #20
            Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

            I tried downloading the program and compiled successfully.
            But when I run it, it only generate the xml for the header. No detail is generated. I did a dspjoblog and get this error:

            Host variable FIELD1 not compatible.

            i think this is the field for sqldata.
            Am i missing something?
            I am on v5r2 and of course i have to modify the sql-execs to non-free format.



            • #21
              Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

              Hi Greg:

              I found this:

              The nth host variable identified by the INTO clause or described in the SQLDA corresponds to the nth column of the result table of the cursor. The data type of each host variable must be compatible with its corresponding column.

              I'm guessing that changed at v5r3 or v5r4.
              I hope someone else with more sql experiance can confirm that.

              Best of Luck
              The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity.....Abraham Lincoln


              • #22
                Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                I have caused myself this error many times by not matching my FETCH datastructure with my the fields sizes/types from the select statement.

                All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
                and I take no responsibility for any of them.



                • #23
                  Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                  This code is great but is there anyway to attach it and send it in an email?
                  Stand up for what you beleive in ...... even if you are standing alone


                  • #24
                    Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                    yes there is ......

                    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
                    and I take no responsibility for any of them.



                    • #25
                      Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                      Fantastic thank you so much!!!
                      Stand up for what you beleive in ...... even if you are standing alone


                      • #26
                        Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                        Hi All:

                        This version uses SQL to generate the xml-excel file. It works by creating a file in QTEMP (from the SQL) then translating that file to XML in the IFS.

                        You can copy/paste from the interactive sql editor (STRSQL), the input screen is 16 lines of 68 characters (the same as the interactive sql screen).

                        Being SQL you can have calculations and multiple files joined.

                        An alternative is to output the interactive sql to disk and use the previously posted version to create the xml file.

                        Best of Luck
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by GLS400; March 10, 2009, 02:04 PM.
                        The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity.....Abraham Lincoln


                        • #27
                          Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                          Well I'm back I've downloaded the programs to write the pf to the ifs as xml which is great and I've got the program to attach a csv file and email it. My problem is I need to either find a way to grab the xml off of the ifs and attach it and email it or is there a way to include field names for the csv file? I have several programs where the user needs the pf but they need to know what each column is else the attach program would be ideal. I also love the create as xml only most of our users don't have access to their ifs. Any ideas????
                          Stand up for what you beleive in ...... even if you are standing alone


                          • #28
                            Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                            the examples I posted are used everyday here where I work.
                            ( BTW .. the example I included allows you to sort by any column)

                            the data is written directly to the IFS....
                            (there is a place in userid to default home directory)

                            but since I use temp files they evaporate after program processes.

                            anyway all of the writting and sending of email take place using RPGLE in
                            an interactive or batch setting/

                            some code (gonna have to pick your own corn..)
                            if you need the procedure let me know......
                                  * PROGRAM - ARC16
                                  * PURPOSE - List customers by outside sales#
                                  * WRITTEN - 
                                  * AUTHOR  - jamie flanary
                                  * PROGRAM DESCRIPTION
                                  *   This program will display customers by outside sales#
                                  * INPUT PARAMETERS
                                  *   Description        Type  Size    How Used
                                  *   -----------        ----  ----    --------
                                  * INDICATOR USAGE
                                  *   03 - Cancel current screen and return to previous screen
                                  *   25 - Rollup
                                  *   26 - RollDown
                                  *   30 - SFLCLR
                                  *   31 - SFLDSP
                                  *   32 - SFLDSPCTL
                                  *   33 - SFLEND
                                  *   70 - control view of phone number
                                  *   71 - position cursor
                                  *   72 - highlight line last used
                                  *   73 - display search field
                                 FSLGSLMNB  IF   E           K DISK
                                 fSLGSLMNE  if   e           k disk     rename(slgslmnr:byuserid)
                                 fARC16AD   cf   e             WORKSTN INFDS(INFDS)
                                 f                                     SFILE(SUB01:RRN1)
                                   //  entry plist
                                 d ARC16           pr
                                 d  insales#                     15  5
                                 d ARC16           pi
                                 d  insales#                     15  5
                                  * Program Info
                                 d                SDS
                                 d  @PGM                 001    010
                                 d  @PARMS               037    039  0
                                 d  @MSGDTA               91    170
                                 d  @MSGID               171    174
                                 d  @JOB                 244    253
                                 d  @USER                254    263
                                 d  @JOB#                264    269  0
                                  *  Field Definitions.
                                 d company         s              2  0
                                 d contact         s             22
                                 d Count           s              4  0
                                 d CRLF            c                   CONST(X'0d25')
                                 d cymd            s              7  0
                                 d diffdays        s              4  0
                                 d EndScreen1      s              1    inz('N')
                                 d fromdate        s              7  0
                                 d fromdate2       s              7  0
                                 d fromdate3       s              7  0
                                 d Up              c                   CONST('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
                                 d ISODate         s               D
                                 d lastdate        s              7  0
                                 d lastinv         s              8  0
                                 d lastsearch      s              4  0
                                 d lastyear        s              2  0
                                 d lastrrn         s              4  0
                                 d LenStr          s              4  0
                                 d Lo              c                   CONST('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
                                 d messagecsc      s             10i 0
                                 d messagedata     s             80A
                                 d messagekey      s              4A
                                 d messagelen      s             10i 0
                                 d messagefile     s             20    inz('LBIMSG    *LIBL')
                                 d messageid       s              7
                                 d openords        s              5  0
                                 d outbody         s           3000    varying
                                 d outtype2        s              3
                                 d outtoname       s             35
                                 d outtoaddress    s             35
                                 d outsubject      s             50
                                 d outlibFile      s             21
                                 d outattachname   s             35
                                 d outspoolf       s             10
                                 d outjobname      s             10
                                 d outuser         s             10
                                 d outnumber       s              6
                                 d outspool#       s              6
                                 d phone           s             10  0
                                 d Q               s              1    inz('''')
                                 d RRN1            s                   like(SCRRN)
                                 d ReloadSUB01     s              1    inz('N')
                                 d saleslastYear   s              9  2
                                 d s2name          s             30
                                 d salesc          s              9  2
                                 d salesp          s              9  2
                                 d saleslr         s              9  2
                                 d SavRrn          s                   like(SCRRN)
                                 d ssearch         s             30
                                 d searchfield     s             30
                                 d ScreenError     s              1    inz('N')
                                 d soldto          s              5  0
                                 d sortby          s              1
                                 d sqlstmt         s          23000    varying
                                 d status          s              2
                                 d start           s              4  0
                                 d Str             s              4  0
                                 d stringout       s            512    varying
                                 d todate          s              7  0
                                 d todate2         s              7  0
                                 d todate3         s              7  0
                                 d Worktitle       s             40
                                 d worksales#      s              3  0
                                  * formational data structure  Message subfile
                                 d                 DS                        INZ
                                 d STKCNT                  1      4B 0
                                 d DTALEN                  5      8B 0
                                 d ERRCOD                  9     12B 0
                                  //  external called programs
                                 d $clearmsg       pr                  extpgm('QMHRMVPM')
                                 d   messageq                   276a   const
                                 d   CallStack                   10i 0 const
                                 d   Messagekey                   4a   const
                                 d   messagermv                  10a   const
                                 d   ErrorCode                  256
                                 d $sendmsg        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
                                 d   MessageID                    7A   Const
                                 d   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
                                 d   MsgData                    256A   Const
                                 d   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
                                 d   MsgType                     10A   Const
                                 d   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
                                 d   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
                                 d   Messagekey                   4A
                                 d   ErrorCode                  256A
                                 d $titlecolor     pr                  extpgm('MSC08')
                                 d   company                      2s 0
                                 d   attribute                    1
                                 d $customerinq    pr                  extpgm('SLS09')
                                 d   customer                     5a   const
                                 d openList        pr
                                 d FetchNext       pr              n
                                 d closeList       pr
                                 d FetchNext2      pr              n
                                 d sqldata       e ds                  extname(aracust)
                                  // Command Keys
                                 d Cmd01           c                   const(x'31')                         Cmd-1
                                 d SearchMore      c                   const(x'32')                         Cmd-2
                                 d LeaveProgram    c                   const(x'33')                         Cmd-3
                                 d Cmd04           c                   const(x'34')                         Cmd-4
                                 d Cmd05           c                   const(x'35')                         Cmd-5
                                 d Cmd06           c                   const(x'36')                         Cmd-6
                                 d Cmd07           c                   const(x'37')                         Cmd-7
                                 d EmailReport     c                   const(x'38')                         Cmd-8
                                 d Cmd09           c                   const(x'39')                         Cmd-9
                                 d Cmd10           c                   const(x'3A')                         Cmd-10
                                 d Cmd11           c                   const(x'3B')                         Cmd-11
                                 d Cmd12           c                   const(x'3C')                         Cmd-12
                                 d Cmd13           c                   const(x'B1')                         Cmd-13
                                 d Cmd14           c                   const(x'B2')                         Cmd-14
                                 d Cmd15           c                   const(x'B3')                         Cmd-15
                                 d SetSort         c                   const(x'B4')                         Cmd-16
                                 d Cmd17           c                   const(x'B5')                         Cmd-17
                                 d Cmd18           c                   const(x'B6')                         Cmd-18
                                 d Cmd19           c                   const(x'B7')                         Cmd-19
                                 d Cmd20           c                   const(x'B8')                         Cmd-20
                                 d Cmd21           c                   const(x'B9')                         Cmd-21
                                 d Cmd22           c                   const(x'BA')                         Cmd-22
                                 d Cmd23           c                   const(x'BB')                         Cmd-23
                                 d Cmd24           c                   const(x'BC')                         Cmd-24
                                 d EnterKey        c                   const(x'F1')
                                 d RollUp          c                   const(x'F5')                         Roll Up
                                 d RollDown        c                   const(x'F4')                         Roll Down
                                 d Infds           ds                                                       INFDS data structure
                                 d Choice                369    369
                                 d Currec                378    379I 0
                                 d workdate        ds                  qualified  inz
                                 d  WholeTomato                   7  0
                                 d   century                      1    overlay(wholeTomato:1)
                                 d   year                         2    overlay(wholeTomato:*next)
                                 d   month                        2    overlay(wholeTomato:*next)
                                 d   day                          2    overlay(wholeTomato:*next)
                                 d APIError        ds                  Qualified
                                 d  BytesP                 1      4I 0 inz(%size(apiError))
                                 d  BytesA                 5      8I 0 inz(0)
                                 d  Messageid              9     15
                                 d  Reserved              16     16
                                 d  messagedta            17    256
                                 d $sendemail      pr                  extpgm('MSC52')
                                 d   intype                       3
                                 d   intoname                    35
                                 d   intoaddress                 35
                                 d   insubject                   50
                                 d   inlibFile                   21
                                 d   inattachname                35
                                 d   inbody                    3000    varying
                                 d   inspoolf                    10
                                 d   injobname                   10
                                 d   inuser                      10
                                 d   innumber                     6
                                 d   inspool#                     6
                                 d $showorders     pr                  extpgm('ARC18')
                                 d   OutCustomer                 15  5 const
                                 d $customernotes  pr                  extpgm('ARC19')
                                 d   OutCustomer                 15  5 const
                                 d $blanketorders  pr                  extpgm('PCH66')
                                 d   OutCustomer                 15  5 const
                                  /copy qpgmsrc,wkr1ctrl
                                  /copy qprcsrc,TITLE_CP
                                  /copy qprcsrc,emailad_cp
                                          exsr Hskpg;
                                          exsr $Screen1;
                                          *inlr = *on;
                                    // $Screen1 - parameter screen
                                         begsr $Screen1;
                                         reset  EndScreen1;
                                          dow  EndScreen1 = 'N';
                                           if ScreenError = 'N';
                                            $clearmsg('*' : *zero : *Blanks : '*ALL' : APIError);
                                           *in73 = *off;
                                           if ssearch <> *blanks;
                                            *in73 = *on;
                                           write FKEY01;
                                           write MSGCTL;
                                           exfmt SUB01CTL;
                                           $clearmsg('*' : *zero : *Blanks : '*ALL' : APIError);
                                           reset ScreenError;
                                           if Currec <> *Zeros;
                                            RRN1  =  Currec;
                                            SCRRN =  Currec;
                                        // F3 pressed end the program F3 = LeaveProgram
                                            when  Choice = LeaveProgram;
                                             EndScreen1 = 'Y';
                                        // F8 pressed set sort field
                                            when  Choice = setsort;
                                              when #FLD = 'S1SL#';
                                              sortby = '1';
                                              when #FLD = 'S1CNAME';
                                              sortby = '2';
                                              when #FLD = 'S1OPEN';
                                              sortby = '3';           //desc
                                              when #FLD = 'S1SCYTD';
                                              sortby = '4';           //desc
                                              when #FLD = 'S1SLYTD';
                                              sortby = '5';           //desc
                                              when #FLD = 'S1LASTYEAR';
                                              sortby = '6';           //desc
                                              when #FLD = 'S1LASTINV';
                                              sortby = '7';           //desc
                                              when #FLD = 'S1DAYS';
                                              sortby = '8';           //desc
                                              sortby = '2';
                                             exsr $clearsfl;
                                             exsr $loadsfl;
                                        // continue the search
                                            when  Choice =  Searchmore;
                                             exsr $search;
                                             if start = 1;
                                              clear lastsearch;
                                              exsr $search;
                                        // Email Report
                                            when  Choice = EmailReport;
                                             exsr $emailreport;
                                        // Enter Key pressed
                                            when  Choice = enterKey;
                                             if c1customer = *blanks;
                                              exsr $process;
                                              if c1customer <> ssearch;
                                               clear lastsearch;
                                               start = 1;
                                               clear count;
                                              ssearch =  c1customer;
                                              clear c1customer;
                                              exsr $search;
                                    // $search - customer search
                                         begsr $search;
                                          if lastrrn > *zeros;
                                           lastsearch = lastrrn;
                                           lastrrn = *zeros;
                                          if lastsearch > *zeros;
                                           chain lastsearch SUB01;
                                           if %found;
                                            *in71 = *off;
                                            *in72 = *off;
                                            update sub01;
                                            if lastsearch < savrrn;
                                             start = lastsearch + 1;
                                             start = 1;
                                             clear count;
                                          for count = start to savrrn;
                                           chain count sub01;
                                           if %found;
                                            searchfield = %xlate(lo:up:s1cname);
                                            if %scan(%trim(ssearch):searchfield) > *zeros;
                                             RRN1 = count;
                                             SCRRN = rrn1;
                                             *in72 = *on;
                                             update sub01;
                                             lastsearch = count;
                                          if count >= savrrn;
                                           start = 1;
                                          *in72 = *off;
                                    // $process - process subfile
                                         begsr $process;
                                          if lastrrn > *zeros;
                                           chain lastrrn SUB01;
                                           *in71 = *off;
                                           *in72 = *off;
                                           update sub01;
                                          for count = 1 to savrrn;
                                           chain count SUB01;
                                           if %found(ARC16AD);
                                             when s1opt = '1';     // show orders/Quotes
                                              lastrrn = count;
                                              clear s1opt;
                                              *in71 = *on;
                                              *in72 = *on;
                                             when s1opt = '5';
                                              $customerinq (%editc(S1SL#:'X'));
                                              lastrrn = count;
                                              clear s1opt;
                                              *in71 = *on;
                                              *in72 = *on;
                                             when s1opt = '7';
                                              lastrrn = count;
                                              clear s1opt;
                                              *in71 = *on;
                                              *in72 = *on;
                                             when s1opt = '8';
                                              lastrrn = count;
                                              clear s1opt;
                                              *in71 = *on;
                                              *in72 = *on;
                                           update sub01;
                                           *in71 = *off;
                                           *in72 = *off;
                                    // $clearSfl - clear the subfile
                                         begsr $clearSFL;
                                          // clear the subfile first
                                           *in31 = *Off;
                                           *in32 = *Off;
                                           *in30 = *On;
                                           write  SUB01CTL;
                                           *in31 = *On;
                                           *in32 = *On;
                                           *in30 = *Off;
                                           clear RRN1;
                                           clear SCRRN;
                                           clear SavRrn;
                                    // $loadsfl- load up the entire subfile
                                         begsr $loadsfl;
                                          if  SavRrn  > *zeros;
                                           RRN1  =  SavRrn;
                                           SCRRN =  SavRrn;
                                          sqlstmt = 'select * from arc16work ';
                                           when sortby = '1';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by  soldto ';
                                           when sortby = '2';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by  s2name ';
                                           when sortby = '3';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by  openords  desc ';
                                           when sortby = '4';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by  salesc desc ' ;
                                           when sortby = '5';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by salesp desc ' ;
                                           when sortby = '6';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by saleslr desc ' ;
                                           when sortby = '7';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by lastinv desc ' ;
                                           when sortby = '8';
                                            sqlstmt = %trim(sqlstmt) +
                                                    '  order by diffdays desc ' ;
                                          dow fetchNext2();
                                           s1sl# = SOLDTO;
                                           s1cname = S2NAME;
                                           s1open = OPENORDS;
                                           s1scytd = SALESC;
                                           s1slytd = SALESP;
                                           s1lastyear = SALESLR;
                                           s1lastinv = LASTINV;
                                           s1days = DIFFDAYS;
                                           s1status = STATUS;
                                           clear s1diff;
                                           if s1scytd < s1slytd;
                                            s1diff = '*';
                                       // get last call date
                                           exec sql
                                            select coalesce(max(scdat),0 )
                                               into :CYMD
                                               from  SLCOUT
                                               where SCSL# = : SOLDTO;
                                           clear s1lastcall;
                                           if cymd <> *zeros;
                                            isodate = %date(cymd:*cymd);
                                            s1lastcall = %dec(isodate:*iso);
                                           RRN1 += 1;
                                           SCRRN = RRN1;
                                           write SUB01;
                                           *in70 = *off;
                                          *in33 = *on;
                                          savrrn = SCRRN;
                                       //  If no records in subfile then do not disply the subfile.
                                          if SavRrn  = *zeros;
                                           *in31 = *off;
                                           RRN1  = 1;
                                           SCRRN  = 1;
                                    // $gatherdata - build the sortable work
                                    //               file.
                                         begsr $gatherdata;
                                          sqlstmt = 'select * from ARACUST ' +
                                                    ' where AAOSP =  ' + %editc(worksales#:'X') +
                                                    ' and aasl# <> 0 and AAACTS <> ' + Q + 'I' + Q +
                                                    ' and  AAOSP = ' + %editc(worksales#:'X') +
                                                    '  order by  AASLNM ';
                                          dow fetchNext();
                                           s2name = title(AASLNM);
                                           soldto = AASL#;
                                            // get total open orders
                                           clear openords;
                                           exec sql
                                            select coalesce(count(*),0 )
                                               into :openords
                                               from oehdord
                                               where OHSL# = :soldto and OHPRO7 <> 0 ;
                                            // get last invoice date
                                           clear cymd;
                                           clear lastinv;
                                           exec sql
                                            select  coalesce(max(oEIDAT),0)
                                               into :cymd
                                               from OEEHDHY
                                               where OESL# = :soldto;
                                           test(de) *cymd cymd;
                                           if not%error;
                                            isodate = %date(cymd:*cymd);
                                            lastinv = %dec(isodate:*iso);
                                           contact = title(AASCON);
                                           phone = %dec(%editc(AASLSAREA:'X') +
                                                   %editc(AASLSPHON:'X') : 10:0);
                                         // total year to date sales for customer
                                           clear salesc;
                                           exec sql
                                           select coalesce(sum( ANMAT + ANLAB + ANTAX),0 )
                                           into : salesc
                                           from ARNISMH
                                           anSL#  =  : soldto
                                           and   ANIDAT  >= : fromdate and ANIDAT  <= : todate and
                                           ansp = : worksales# and  ANCOMP  <> 0;
                                         // total LAST year to date sales for customer
                                           clear salesp;
                                           exec sql
                                           select coalesce(sum( ANMAT + ANLAB + ANTAX),0 )
                                           into : salesp
                                           from ARNISMH
                                           anSL#  =  : soldto
                                           and   ANIDAT  >= : fromdate2 and ANIDAT  <= : todate2 and
                                           ansp = : worksales# and  ANCOMP  <> 0;
                                           // get days since last invoice
                                           clear diffdays;
                                           if cymd <> *zeros;
                                            diffdays = %diff(%date():Isodate:*days);
                                              // sales last year (test)
                                           clear saleslr;
                                           exec sql
                                           select coalesce(sum( ANMAT + ANLAB + ANTAX),0 )
                                           into : saleslr
                                           from ARNISMH
                                           anSL#  =  : soldto
                                           and   ANIDAT  >= : fromdate3 and ANIDAT  <= : todate3 and
                                           ansp = : worksales# and  ANCOMP  <> 0;
                                           // write to workfile
                                           exec sql
                                              insert into arc16work values(
                                    // $sendmessage - send the program message
                                         begsr $sendmessage;
                                          $sendmsg(messageID   :
                                                   messageFile :
                                                   messagedata :
                                                   messageLen  :
                                                   '*DIAG'     :
                                                   @PGM        :
                                                   messagecsc  :
                                                   messagekey  :
                                    // $emailreport - email the report
                                         begsr $emailreport;
                                            exfmt win1;
                                            if w1email <> *blanks and not*in03;
                                             outtype2 = 'CSV';                                   // can be either PDF or CSV
                                             outtoname = @USER;                                  // if userid passed else
                                             outattachname = %trim(@user)+'_ARC16';              // caller ID used
                                             outtoaddress = %trim(w1EMAIL);                      // to email address
                                             outsubject = 'Customer List By SalesPerson';        // email subject
                                             outlibFile = 'QTEMP/ARC16WORK';                     // where is the physical file
                                                                                                 // for PDF spooled file name
                                                                                                 // needed.
                                                                                                 // ...........................
                                        // create the body.... the body text will be broken down
                                        // in lengths of 100 the size is 3000 that's 30 lines
                                             isodate = %date();
                                             exec sql
                                         SELECT DAYNAME(:Isodate) || ', ' || MONTHNAME(:Isodate) || ' ' ||
                                             DAY(:Isodate) || ', ' || YEAR(:Isodate)  as longdate INTO
                                             :Stringout from SYSIBM/SYSDUMMY1 ;
                                              outbody =  'Report Converted to CSV  '    +
                                                         'created ' +  %trim(stringout) + CRLF +
                                                         ' Time: ' + %char(%time()) +  '  ' +
                                                         'Info: ' + %trim(C1SNAME) +  CRLF;
                                              $sendemail(  outtype2               :
                                                           outtoname              :
                                                           outtoaddress           :
                                                           outsubject             :
                                                           outlibFile             :
                                                           outattachname          :
                                                           outbody                :
                                                           outspoolf              :
                                                           outjobname             :
                                                           outuser                :
                                                           outnumber              :
                                    // Hskpg - one time run subroutine
                                         begsr Hskpg;
                                          in   dactrl;
                                          company = DASRVC;
                                          PGMQ = @PGM;
                                          isodate = %date();
                                          workdate.WholeTomato = %dec(isodate:*cymd);
                                          lastyear = %dec(workdate.year:2:0) - 1;
                                          fromdate = %dec(workdate.century +
                                                          workdate.year    +
                                          todate   = %dec(workdate.century +
                                                          workdate.year    +
                                                          workdate.month   +
                                          fromdate2 = %dec(workdate.century +
                                                          %editc(lastyear:'X') +
                                          todate2   = %dec(workdate.century +
                                                          %editc(lastyear:'X') +
                                                          workdate.month   +
                                          fromdate3 = %dec(workdate.century +
                                                          %editc(lastyear:'X') +
                                          todate3   = %dec(workdate.century +
                                                          %editc(lastyear:'X') +
                                           if %parms >= 1;
                                            worksales# = insales#;
                                            chain (worksales#) SLGSLMNB;
                                            if %found(SLGSLMNB);
                                             c1sname = SGSPNM;
                                             c1sname = 'House';
                                            if   worksales# = *zeros;
                                             chain (@user)  SLGSLMNE;
                                             if %found(SLGSLMNE);
                                              worksales# = SGSP;
                                              c1sname = SGSPNM;
                                           workTitle = 'Customers By Outside Salesperson';
                                           LenStr =
                                           ((%len(workTitle) - %len(%trim(workTitle))) / 2) + 1;
                                           %subst(C1TITLE:LenStr) = %trim(workTitle);
                                           hdprogram = @PGM;
                                           exec sql
                                             drop table  qtemp/arc16work;
                                           // build the tempory work file so that we can multi-sort
                                           exec sql
                                            create table qtemp/arc16work
                                            (soldto dec(5), s2name char(30), openords dec(5),
                                            salesc dec(9,2), salesp dec(9,2), saleslr dec(9,2),
                                            lastinv dec(8,0) , diffdays dec(4,0),status char(1) ) ;
                                            exec sql label on column qtemp/arc16work(
                                             soldto      text is 'Sold To',
                                             s2name      text is 'Customer Name' ,
                                             openords    text is 'Open Orders' ,
                                             salesc      text is 'Current YTD' ,
                                             salesp      text is 'Previous YTD' ,
                                             saleslr     text is 'Sales Last Year',
                                             lastinv     text is 'Last Invoice Date',
                                             diffdays    text is 'Days Last Invoiced',
                                             status      text is 'Customer Status'
                                           w1email = %trim(emailad(@USER : 'L'));
                                           exsr $clearsfl;
                                           SORTBY = '4';       // sales current YTD
                                           exsr $gatherdata;
                                           exsr $loadsfl;
                                  *  openList  - Open a cursor to read file
                                 p openList        b
                                 d openList        pi
                                   exec sql
                                    declare MyCursor cursor for statement;
                                   exec sql
                                    prepare statement from :sqlstmt;
                                   exec sql
                                    open mycursor;
                                 p openList        e
                                  *  fetchNext  - read one record at a time
                                 p fetchNext       b
                                 d fetchNext       pi              n
                                   exec sql
                                    fetch next from mycursor into : sqldata;
                                     if sqlstt < '02000';
                                       return *on;
                                       return *off;
                                 p fetchNext       e
                                  *  fetchNext2 - read one record at a time
                                 p fetchNext2      b
                                 d fetchNext2      pi              n
                                   exec sql
                                    fetch next from mycursor into : SOLDTO,
                                                                  : S2NAME,
                                                                  : OPENORDS,
                                                                  : SALESC,
                                                                  : SALESP,
                                                                  : SALESLR,
                                                                  : LASTINV,
                                                                  : DIFFDAYS,
                                                                  : STATUS
                                     if sqlstt < '02000';
                                       return *on;
                                       return *off;
                                 p fetchNext2      e
                                  *  closeOrderList  - Close the OrderHdr cursor
                                 p closeList       b
                                 d closeList       pi
                                   exec sql
                                    close MyCursor;
                                 p closeList       e
                            All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
                            and I take no responsibility for any of them.



                            • #29
                              Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                              Thanks so much I'll try from this
                              Stand up for what you beleive in ...... even if you are standing alone


                              • #30
                                Re: create XML from RPG read as EXCEL

                                I feel like a complete idiot at this point. Jayme the code you provided was in sql which I understand but the code I copied to send the csv file is in a different code type I'm not familiar with. I can see where the code should go but I have no knowledge of how to do it.
                                         // ------------------------------------------
                                          //  Insert the headers for the CSV file
                                          // ------------------------------------------
                                          body =
                                           '--' + boundary + CRLF
                                          +'Content-Type: text/csv; name="' + attname + '"' + CRLF
                                          +'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' + CRLF
                                          +'Content-Disposition: attachment;'
                                          +    ' filename="' + attname + '"' + CRLF
                                          + CRLF;
                                          callp write(fd: &#37;addr(body)+2: %len(body));
                                All I want in reality is the field names from the pf that would work great but I can just type them in the way I saw you doing. In this code how do I say:
                                unitnum text is "Unit Number"
                                Status tex is "Status"
                                in this code type. So sorry to be such a pain but this is the last piece of the puzzle.
                                Stand up for what you beleive in ...... even if you are standing alone

