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find all programs that use a module

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  • find all programs that use a module

    Here is an old Scott Klement program,
    If you pass a module name and a library
    then it will print a report with all programs
    that "use" that module. >>> Library could be *LIBL.

    *NOTE fix the O specs ... the second detail line should
    not skip...

         **  This program will find all places that a bound module is called.
         **    (by searching all ILE programs in the user libraries)
         **         Scott Klement,  May 7, 1997
         fQSYSPRT   O    F   80        PRINTER OFLIND(*INOF)
          *  Field Definitions.
         d searchlibrary   s             10
         d ObjectLibrary   s             20
         d EC_Escape       PR
         d   When                        60A   const
         d   CallStackCnt                10I 0 value
         d   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
          * List ILE program information API
         d QBNLPGMI        PR                  ExtPgm('QBNLPGMI')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   Format                       8A   const
         d   PgmName                     20A   const
         d   Errors                   32766A   options(*varsize)
          * List ILE service program information API
         d QBNLSPGM        PR                  ExtPgm('QBNLSPGM')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   Format                       8A   const
         d   SrvPgm                      20A   const
         d   Errors                   32766A   options(*varsize)
          * Create User Space API
         d QUSCRTUS        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   ExtAttr                     10A   const
         d   InitSize                    10I 0 const
         d   InitVal                      1A   const
         d   PublicAuth                  10A   const
         d   Text                        50A   const
         d   Replace                     10A   const
         d   Errors                   32766A   options(*varsize)
          * Retrieve pointer to user space API
         d QUSPTRUS        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSPTRUS')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   Pointer                       *
          * API error code structure
         d dsEC            DS
         d  dsECBytesP                   10I 0 inz(%size(dsEC))
         d  dsECBytesA                   10I 0 inz(0)
         d  dsECMsgID                     7A
         d  dsECReserv                    1A
         d  dsECMsgDta                  240A
          *  List API generic header structure
         d p_Header        S               *
         d dsLH            DS                   BASED(p_Header)
          *                                     Filler
         d   dsLHFill1                  103A
          *                                     Status (I=Incomplete,C=Complete
         d   dsLHStatus                   1A
         d   dsLHFill2                   12A
         d   dsLHHdrOff                  10I 0
         d   dsLHHdrSiz                  10I 0
         d   dsLHLstOff                  10I 0
         d   dsLHLstSiz                  10I 0
         d   dsLHEntCnt                  10I 0
         d   dsLHEntSiz                  10I 0
          * PGML0100 format: modules in program
          * SPGL0100 format: modules in service program
          * (these fields are the same in both APIs)
         d p_Entry         S               *
         d dsPgm           DS                  based(p_Entry)
         d   dsPgm_Pgm                   10A
         d   dsPgm_PgmLib                10A
         d   dsPgm_Module                10A
         d   dsPgm_ModLib                10A
         d   dsPgm_SrcF                  10A
         d   dsPgm_SrcLib                10A
         d   dsPgm_SrcMbr                10A
         d   dsPgm_Attrib                10A
         d   dsPgm_CrtDat                13A
         d   dsPgm_SrcDat                13A
         d peModule        S             10A
         d Entry           S             10I 0
         c     *entry        plist
         c                   parm                    peModule
         c                   parm                    SearchLibrary
         c                   except    PrtHeader
          * Create a user space to stuff module info into
         c                   callp     QUSCRTUS('MODULES   QTEMP': 'USRSPC':
         c                                5120*3072: x'00': '*ALL':
         c                                'List of modules': '*YES': dsEC)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
         c                   callp     EC_Escape('Calling QUSCRTUS API':3:dsEC)
         c                   endif
         c                   callp     QUSPTRUS('MODULES   QTEMP': p_Header)
         c                   eval      objectLibrary = '*ALL      ' +
         c                                             searchlibrary
          * List all ILE programs modules to space
         c                   callp     QBNLPGMI('MODULES   QTEMP': 'PGML0100':
         c                                objectLibrary : dsEC)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
         c                   callp     EC_Escape('Calling QBNLPGMI API':3:dsEC)
         c                   endif
          * List occurrances of our module
         c                   eval      p_Entry = p_Header + dsLHLstOff
         c                   for       Entry = 1 to dsLHEntCnt
         c                   if        dsPgm_Module = peModule
         c                   except    PrtModule
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      p_Entry = p_Entry + dsLHEntSiz
         c                   endfor
          * List all ILE service program modules to space
         c                   callp     QBNLSPGM('MODULES   QTEMP': 'SPGL0100':
         c                                '*ALL      *ALLUSR': dsEC)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
         c                   callp     EC_Escape('Calling QBNLSPGM API':3:dsEC)
         c                   endif
          * List occurrances of our module
         c                   eval      p_Entry = p_Header + dsLHLstOff
         c                   for       Entry = 1 to dsLHEntCnt
         c                   if        dsPgm_Module = peModule
         c                   except    PrtModule
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      p_Entry = p_Entry + dsLHEntSiz
         c                   endfor
          * And that's about the size of it
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         OQSYSPRT   E            PrtHeader         2  3
         o                       *DATE         Y     10
         o                                           +3 'Listing of programs'
         o                                           +1 'that use module'
         o                       peModule            +1
         o                                           75 'Page'
         o                       PAGE          Z     80
         o          E            PrtModule         2  3
         o                       dsPgm_Pgm           10
         o                       dsPgm_PgmLib        +1
         o                       dsPgm_SrcF          +1
         o                       dsPgm_SrcLib        +1
         o                       dsPgm_SrcMbr        +1
         o                       dsPgm_SrcDat        +1
          * Send back an escape message based on an API error code DS
         P EC_Escape       B
         d EC_Escape       PI
         d   When                        60A   const
         d   CallStackCnt                10I 0 value
         d   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
          * Send Program Message API
         d QMHSNDPM        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
         d   MessageID                    7A   Const
         d   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
         d   MsgData                    256A   Const
         d   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
         d   MsgType                     10A   Const
         d   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
         d   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
         d   MessageKey                   4A
         d   Errors                       1A
          * API error code (passed from caller)
         d p_EC            S               *
         d dsEC            DS                  based(p_EC)
         d  dsECBytesP                   10I 0
         d  dsECBytesA                   10I 0
         d  dsECMsgID                     7A
         d  dsECReserv                    1A
         d  dsECMsgDta                  240A
          * API error code (no error handling requested)
         d dsNullError     DS
         d  dsNullError0                 10I 0 inz(0)
         d MsgDtaLen       S             10I 0
         d MsgKey          S              4A
         c                   eval      p_EC = %addr(ErrorCode)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA <= 16
         c                   eval      MsgDtaLen = 0
         c                   else
         c                   eval      MsgDtaLen = dsECBytesA - 16
         c                   endif
          * diagnostic msg tells us when the error occurred in our pgm
         c                   callp     QMHSNDPM('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
         c                               When: %Len(%trimr(when)): '*DIAG':
         c                               '*': 1:  MsgKey: dsNullError)
          * send back actual error from API
         c                   callp     QMHSNDPM(dsECMsgID: 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
         c                               dsECMsgDta: MsgDtaLen: '*ESCAPE':
         c                               '*': CallStackCnt: MsgKey:
         c                               dsNullError)
         P                 E
    Attached Files
    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
    and I take no responsibility for any of them.

  • #2
    Re: find all programs that use a module

    Hey Jamii !!!

    U are great i was trying to make this programe and struck from 2 or 3 days but you did it

    No word left to me how can i greet to you...

    this code400 is being a such a great help from coders new bee like me.. here is hell lot of thing that person can learn

    Keep It ..Keep helping

    thanks indeed

    Pramendra Pandeya
    Young people knows how to run fast but old people knows the way..


    • #3
      Re: find all programs that use a module

      Originally posted by jamief View Post
      Here is an old Scott Klement program,
      If you pass a module name and a library
      then it will print a report with all programs
      that "use" that module. >>> Library could be *LIBL.

      *NOTE fix the O specs ... the second detail line should
      not skip...
      sweet, that's pretty much what i was talking about but it bypasses the workfile. one thing to note though is that since this uses APIs that output to a user space you might overflow the 16MB user space limit if the list returned from the API is too large. the QBNR* APIs returns that same info as the QBNL* APIs but returns the data into a variable rather than a user space FWIW
      I'm not anti-social, I just don't like people -Tommy Holden


      • #4
        Re: find all programs that use a module


        It did overflow, I added the passed in library to"help" ..
        but you are correct......
        use at your own risk
        All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
        and I take no responsibility for any of them.


        • #5
          Re: find all programs that use a module

          awesum Jamie!


          • #6
            Re: find all programs that use a module

            The QBNRPGMI API does NOT exist but the QBNRSPGM API does.


            • #7
              Re: find all programs that use a module

              Originally posted by Mercury View Post
              The QBNRPGMI API does NOT exist but the QBNRSPGM API does.
              welcome to the wonderful inconsistency of APIs... the API for programs is QCLRPGMI...don't ask me why 'coz i don't know you might also consider adding QBNRPII(used for extracting prototype interface info, side note only objects compiled with PGMINFO(*PCML) can be retrieved) in the mix for more info...
              Last edited by tomholden; December 3, 2009, 08:38 AM.
              I'm not anti-social, I just don't like people -Tommy Holden


              • #8
                Re: find all programs that use a module

                ok. thanx.


                • #9
                  Re: find all programs that use a module



                  "Time passes, but sometimes it beats the <crap> out of you as it goes."

