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java x

  • How to convert java string to System I alphanumeric

    Hello, Im trying to move a java string to an alphanumeric System I subfile field. The compiler isnt allowing it. How do I convert java string to String to System i alphanumeric. I could noit find anything about it on google.

    rsmd = jdbc_GetMetaData(rs);
    colcnt = jdbc_GetColCount(rsmd);...
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  • deep
    started a topic Is IBMi IWS impacted due to log4J vulnerability

    Is IBMi IWS impacted due to log4J vulnerability


    I could not find any information about IBM-I IWS vulnerability due to Log4J. We use IWS and wanted to know if it used apache Log4J logger and hence whether it is vulnerable. Appreciate any help....
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  • jemrugIBMi
    started a topic Baby Steps Kerberos

    Baby Steps Kerberos

    Hi All,

    I am researching Kerberos in the IBM midrange environment. I am a developer.

    I have client server desktop application. Front end java(using JT400 api) and backend Rpgle(PCML). So the client is using a mixture JDBC Sql and backend rpgle program calls.

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  • kürbiscreme
    started a topic RUNJVA Output in /
    in JAVA

    RUNJVA Output in /

    Hello Guys,

    I have a problem with the RUNJVA Command.

    When I want to start a jar file, which is unzip some files (normally in the same directory... with AIX, Linux and Windows it's working correctly),
    the files are going to be unzipped in the root folder. How can I specify...
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  • zs6jce
    started a topic Java Listening for RPGLE Callback
    in JAVA

    Java Listening for RPGLE Callback

    I am trying to re-write the C based Sample Debugger (refer link below) into a Java Program Running in Eclipse.

    IBM Knowledge Center - Example Using source debugger APIs

    How would I go about register a Java program...
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  • CaptainRon
    started a topic Java Sending HTTP Post
    in JAVA

    Java Sending HTTP Post

    So I have a customer who wants us to send an XML file through HTTP. I can create the XML file but how would I send this through using Java? From what I hear this would be much easier. I have played very little in the Java stuff so any ideas or help would be great.
    It goes to
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  • Poddys
    started a topic OmniFind Not Working After Re-IPL

    OmniFind Not Working After Re-IPL

    This is a strange one, and so far I have spent a whole morning getting nowhere, so it's time to ask for help.

    We re-IPL'd the system yesterday to make some PTF's permanent (running A6.1) and this morning the web site search was locking up the whole system (100% cpu).

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  • WarrenN
    started a topic Catch blocks not being excuted when running on IFS
    in JAVA

    Catch blocks not being excuted when running on IFS

    I have a Java program that connects to the AS400 and tries to read a file and convert it to xml. This works fine, but sometimes I expect the file to not be there, in which case I catch an exception and do a couple things like log that the file wasn't found.

    This all works great when...
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  • WarrenN
    started a topic Problem with the RUNJVA command

    Problem with the RUNJVA command

    I'm trying to run a .jar file from a CLP. I know the java works and I can execute the .jar directly from command line, but when trying to run it from a CLP I keep getting an error that java.version does not match JAVA_HOME environment variable. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, as I set the environment...
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  • raspacorp
    started a topic Hashed or encrypted password to AS400 jdbc connection
    in JAVA

    Hashed or encrypted password to AS400 jdbc connection

    We have a Spring application that connects to a DB2 AS400 database. We are currently using configuration files (.properties) to store the connection details, Spring reads thes files in the context creation phase and creates the datasource accordingly.

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  • RPGLE Program Receiving Java Exception Error - Missing Argument

    We have encountered an error with an RPGLE program calling out to Java methods to perform credit card encryption and decryption. This problem was first seen in December 2011 but was treated as a one-off (a bad cc#). In the last 6 months we are seeing it more frequently, sometimes a couple times a...
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  • Having prblems with executing java from QSH with use of package keyword

    Hiya I am not new to AS400 AND am not new to JAVA although not as experienced.
    I am new to JAVA on the iSeries.

    I have written a class that reads a table and outputs the info (its called getdetails).
    It works and I can run it from QSH. Its residing in an IFS directory root/home/test...
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  • Data Area (Decimal) - Read/Write/Increment for Unique Running Number

    Hi guys,

    I have this assignment that required me to do the followings,
    • To retrieve a Next Transaction ID from Data Area (Decimal)
    • To use that ID in a SQL Insert Statement on a specific table on the same system
    • For a successful insert (committed), the value of Transaction
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  • emily
    started a topic RPG Out Dated

    RPG Out Dated

    Does anyone have some facts or comebacks for when you get told that RPG is so out dated and it's a dead language and therefore we should move to ??? language? Of course the suggestion to move is alway from another coder who doesn't know rpg but java, php etc.
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  • revaha84
    started a topic how to convert spool files from as400 to excel using java
    in JAVA

    how to convert spool files from as400 to excel using java

    Hi everyone.I need your help.
    I have to write a java program that is get spool files from as400 and convert it to excel format.Also this program works on windows. Is there any class in java for this job.does anyone know something about this?
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