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Forcing command to prompt

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  • Forcing command to prompt

    I create a lot of commands and is it possible to have a command display it's parameter entry panel after simply being typed on the line and the Enter key pressed?

    I've tried using all default values and having the validity checking program check for specific values and handle error messages that way but that doesn't display the entry panel, just sends a message indicating the issue to line 24 . So, then I tried creating the command without a value for a required parameter and got the same result, message to line 24 without displaying the entry panel.

    I know I'm missing something but cannot nail it down.

    Everyday's a school day, what grade are you in?

  • #2
    I think your looking for this:

    Selective prompting for CL commands is especially helpful when you are using some of the longer commands and do not want to be prompted for certain parameters.


    • #3
      If you omit a required parameter, you should get the command prompt. How are you defining the parameter as a required parameter? I have a command with a parameter defined this way:
      PARM  KWD(OBJ) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) MIN(1) PROMPT('Object')
      If I just type the command name without specifying the parameter on the command line, the command prompt is displayed with the required parameter in reverse image.

      The other way to always get a command prompt is to type a ? in front of the command.

