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ICF file handling in COBOL

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  • ICF file handling in COBOL

    I have written a small COBOL program which involves ICF file handling and compiled it successfully. But, during run of this program, the WRITE operation to the ICF file COMICFON2 is ended with error[i.e File status = "9N"]. Even, the recovery operation was also unsuccessful[i.e File Status = "9C"]. I could not find the reason for the same. Kindly help in this regard.

    Note: My user-Id has "*ALL" authority to this ICF file object. The source code and output of my program is given below.
    The following are the few attribute values of the above ICF file:
    MAXPGMDEV = 6 [i.e Multiple Device]

    [B][U]Sample Code:[/U][/B]
           IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                         
           PROGRAM-ID.    HANDYICF.                                          
           ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                            
           CONFIGURATION SECTION.                                           
           SOURCE-COMPUTER. AS-400.                                         
           OBJECT-COMPUTER. AS-400.                                         
           INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                                            
                              ORGANIZATION    TRANSACTION                   
                              FILE STATUS     FS-LINEA                      
          *                                   RT-LINEA                      
                              CONTROL-AREA    AC-LINEA.                     
           DATA DIVISION.                                                   
           FILE SECTION.                                                    
           FD  A-LINEA                                                      
               LABEL RECORDS IS STANDARD.                                   
           01  R-LINEA.                                                     
               COPY DDS-REGDATA     OF COMICFON2.                           
          *01  R-LINEA-NULO.                                                
          *    COPY DDS-REGNULO     OF COMICFON2.                           
           WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                                         
           77  FS-LINEA    PIC X(02) VALUE ZEROS.                           
           77  W-FORMATO   PIC X(10).                                       
           01     IND-ON        PIC  1            VALUE B"1".               
           01     IND-OFF       PIC  1            VALUE B"0".               
           77  XX-MENSAJE  PIC X(512).                                      
           01      AC-LINEA.                                                
             05    AC-COMANDO      PIC  X(02).                              
             05    AC-PGMDEV       PIC  X(10).                              
             05    AC-NOMFMT       PIC  X(10).                              
           01     IND-AREA.                                                 
             05   IND-TRNRND    PIC  1         INDIC 01.                    
             05   IND-RCVENDGRP PIC  1         INDIC 02.                    
             05   IND-RCVFAIL   PIC  1         INDIC 03.                    
             05   IND-ENDGRP    PIC  1         INDIC 12.                    
          *           ENDGRP TERMINA TODAS LAS SESIONES                     
             05   IND-FAIL      PIC  1         INDIC 13.                    
             05   IND-RQSWRT    PIC  1         INDIC 14.                    
             05   IND-ALWWRT    PIC  1         INDIC 15.                    
             05   IND-INVITE    PIC  1         INDIC 16.                    
             05   IND-FRCDTA    PIC  1         INDIC 17.                    
             05   IND-CANCEL    PIC  1         INDIC 18.                    
             05   IND-EOS       PIC  1         INDIC 19.                    
             05   IND-EVOKE     PIC  1         INDIC 30.                    
             05   IND-DETACH    PIC  1         INDIC 32.                    
             05   IND-RCVDETACH PIC  1         INDIC 42.                    
             05   IND-CONFIRM   PIC  1         INDIC 40.                    
             05   IND-RCVCFM    PIC  1         INDIC 45.                    
           PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                              
                 OPEN I-O A-LINEA.                                          
                 DISPLAY "FILE STATUS:" FS-LINEA.                           
                 MOVE    IND-OFF       TO IND-TRNRND                        
                 MOVE    IND-ON        TO IND-INVITE                        
                 MOVE    "PANDIAN K"   TO REGDATA-O                         
                 MOVE    "REGDATA"     TO W-FORMATO                         
                 WRITE   R-LINEA                                            
                         FORMAT          W-FORMATO                          
                         INDICATORS      IND-AREA.                          
                 DISPLAY "FILE STATUS:" FS-LINEA.                           
                 DISPLAY "DATA WRITTEN:" W-FORMATO.                         
                 IF FS-LINEA = "9N"                                         
                  DROP AC-PGMDEV FROM A-LINEA                               
                  ACQUIRE AC-PGMDEV FOR A-LINEA                             
                  DISPLAY "FILE STATUS:" FS-LINEA                           
                 READ A-LINEA                                                                   
                        INDICATORS IND-AREA.                                
                 IF  FS-LINEA EQUAL "00"                                    
                         MOVE    REGDATA-I     TO XX-MENSAJE.               
                 DISPLAY "FILE STATUS:" FS-LINEA.                           
                 DISPLAY "DATA READ:" XX-MENSAJE.                           
                 STOP RUN.                                                  
    FILE STATUS:00       
    FILE STATUS:9N       
    FILE STATUS:9C       

  • #2
    Re: ICF file handling in COBOL

    Hmm... Can you see something in the job log or on QSYSOPR that could help ?


    • #3
      Re: ICF file handling in COBOL

      Dear Mercury,

      The JOBLOG had the following informations:

      FILE STATUS:00 [output of display statement for file status of OPEN operation]
      1. "The file COMICFON2 in the library COMLIBPR has not acquired the program devices".

      2. "Could not find the program device in the file COMICFON2 of the library COMLIBPR".

      3. "Not specified the Remote Location to the program device".

      4. No invitation pending for the file COMICFON2 in the library COMLIBPR.

      From the above informations, i understood that there is some problem with acquring the program device for the file COMICFON2.
      For your information, the file COMICFON2 has ACQPGMDEV = *NONE. Does it create some problem with this? If so, what needs to done?
      Kindly help.


      • #4
        Re: ICF file handling in COBOL

        Originally posted by kpandian
        For your information, the file COMICFON2 has ACQPGMDEV = *NONE. Does it create some problem with this?
        I'm not very familiar with ICF file programming but I remember that the program devices matter.

        This is what I read in the ICF manual :
        If the program is written to handle the requesting program device, you must define a program device entry for the requester by specifying a special value of *REQUESTER for the RMTLOCNAME parameter on the ADDICFDEVE or the OVRICFDEVE command.

        Read the manual "ICF Programming" that you can d/l from here. Check out particularly Chapter 4.Intersystem Communications Function.


        • #5
          Re: ICF file handling in COBOL

          Thanks for the information Mercury and i am going through the ICF Programming manual currently. I just have general doubt regarding the ICF file usage.
          Is it possible to WRITE some data into a ICF file from one priogram[Eg. PGM1] and reading the same from another program[Eg. PGM2] of the same server?

          Everywhere i have seen, the concept of ICF file is related with REMOTE LOCATION NAME. But, all i need is do the above said operations on a ICF file within a single server and using any REMOTE connection. Please help.


          • #6
            Re: ICF file handling in COBOL

            Originally posted by kpandian
            Is it possible to WRITE some data into a ICF file from one priogram[Eg. PGM1] and reading the same from another program[Eg. PGM2] of the same server?
            I dont know however I guess that it should work. Make a test.

