FARACUST IF E DISK FARBSHIPA IF E K DISK D custkeyDS e ds extname(aracustd:*key) * * read all records from the customer file it is non-keyed * use the logical file over the customer file (aracustd) which * is keyed by the sold to number. use the %kds which again is * sold to number and read all the shipto associated. * /free read ARACUST; dow not%eof(ARACUST); setll %kds(CustKeyDs) ARBSHIPA; reade %kds(CustKeyDs) ARBSHIPA; dow not%eof(ARBSHIPA); // // do something with the shipto's // reade %kds(CustKeyDs) ARBSHIPA; enddo; read ARACUST; enddo; *inlr = *on; /End-Free