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Receiving CEE9901 error in web service when invoking COBOL pgm

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  • Receiving CEE9901 error in web service when invoking COBOL pgm

    Can someone help me out with what could be causing this? I'm getting this message:

    [9/23/10 20:49:37:532 EDT] 00000026 SystemOut O java.lang.RuntimeException: Invocation of program failed.
    AS400Message (ID: CEE9901 text: Application error. *N unmonitored by *N at statement *N, instruction X'4000'.) b1

    I'm running web service (java code) and calling a back end COBOL program to process the business logic. I'm using RDi when coding my web services and the console only displayed this message. I tried to backtrack my way into what was causing it (whether it's something within the web services side of things or whether it's COBOL based) but was unable to determine the cause. I spoke with the developer of the COBOL program and he was completely unfamiliar with what causes errors of this type.

    I'm hoping someone here can offer a bit of an explanation as what I've found on the iSeries doesn't really offer any "meat" as far as an explanation of potential cause and the information I've found so far in my Google searches hasn't offered up much more. And, since I know you all "rock" on providing great explanations, I'm hoping someone here is more familiar with cause and possible solutions.



  • #2
    Re: Receiving CEE9901 error in web service when invoking COBOL pgm

    Try posting the full joblog here, may help to find the cause of the problem.


    • #3
      Re: Receiving CEE9901 error in web service when invoking COBOL pgm

      I wish I could Mercury...but unfortunately the error appeared in my part time job and I don't have access to it from my full time job They sort of frown on "double dipping" here at My manager also works with me at my part time job and he has access to the back end...he believes he may have found the problem and we have people at the part time job doing some testing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't have to do anything on my side. Thanks for responding so quickly


