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CWBCO1003 socket error function connect return 10060 - Appreciate any help !!!

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  • CWBCO1003 socket error function connect return 10060 - Appreciate any help !!!

    Hello All,

    I am getting error CWBCO1003 socket error function connect return 10060 (unable to connect to service application telnet , return 10060).
    My other colleagues are able to access server with no problem.

    I am not using firewall on my machine (using both windows 7 & windows 10 - have completely turned off firewall on both OS) and not using anti virus...

    Can you please guide what may be going wrong and how to rectify issue?

    CWBPING output

    To cancel the CWBPING request, press CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK
    I - Verifying connection to system XYZ..
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Central Client
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Network File
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Network Print
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Data Access
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Data Queues
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Remote Command
    I - Successfully connected to server application: Security
    I - Successfully connected to server application: DDM
    E - CWBCO1003 - Sockets error, function connect() returned 10060
    E - CWBCO1048 - A firewall blockage or time-out occurred trying to connect to the IBM i
    E - CWBCO1008 - Unable to connect to server application Telnet, returned 10060

    W - CWBCO1015 - Connection verified to system XYZ, but there were warnings

    Thanks in advance !!

  • #2
    Does the same problem show for all users? ...for any other users?

    There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

    Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the universe are pointed away from Earth?


    • #3
      If your Telnet is set up so only allow SSL connections, you may need to use the /SSL:1 command-line switch of the CWBPING command.




      • #4
        FWIW, 10060 is the windows socket error code known as WSAETIMEDOUT, you can see a description here:

        Normally when I see that, I would assume a firewall is blocking access to a given port... if the server is reachable but the service is not running, you'd get a connection refused. the other checks you've done prove that the machine itself is there and responding, but this one port is timing out... so I would assume that a firewall is blocking the connection from reaching it, and therefore you don't get a response and eventually time out.

