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Error accessing iSeries from SQL Server

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  • Error accessing iSeries from SQL Server

    I have an SQL server that accesses the i5 as a linked server. It worked fine until this weekend when we did an IPL and posted a number of HIPER and DB2 PTF's. I now get this message:

    OLE DB provider 'IBMDA400' reported an error.
    [OLE/DB provider returned message: CPF4326: Commitment definition *N not valid for open of CALLID.

    The error seems to relate to commit processing, but this file does not use commit, nor is it even journalled. I can access from Navigator and STRSQL with no problems, but not from SQL Server OLE

    Any suggestions? (I will call IBM, but you guys are usually much faster)

    *** Update: I tried connecting to another LPAR that does not have the new PTF's, same error. Windows update ? ***

  • #2
    Re: Error accessing iSeries from SQL Server

    It would seem to me that your OLE DB Provider is now out of sync with the server. Try loading the latest iSeries Access for Windows service pack (at least the OLE DB Provider) and try it again.
    "Time passes, but sometimes it beats the <crap> out of you as it goes."


    • #3
      Re: Error accessing iSeries from SQL Server

      Thanks. I already tried that. No change. It seems to point to scoping on commit control request from SQL. Why, I don't know - this is a simple select with no commit referenced. I know how to change these kind of ODBC settings, but I have no idea where to control settings for OLE.


      • #4
        Re: Error accessing iSeries from SQL Server


        The attached code snippet is designed to be run from an Excel VBA macro, but you could convert the parts that provide the output to just about anything.

        Public Sub ListConnectionProperties()
        Dim strVersionInfo As String
        Dim strCaption As String
        Dim connprop As ADODB.Property
        Dim rsprop As ADODB.Property
            ' Ensure ADO connection is open
            If Not gblnIsConnected Then
                If Not OpenConnection Then GoTo exit_sub
            End If
            strVersionInfo = "ADO Version: " & gadoConnection.Version & vbCrLf
            strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & "DBMS Name: " & gadoConnection.Properties("DBMS Name") & vbCrLf
            strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & "DBMS Version: " & gadoConnection.Properties("DBMS Version") & vbCrLf
            strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & "OLE DB Version: " & gadoConnection.Properties("OLE DB Version") & vbCrLf
            strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & "Provider Name: " & gadoConnection.Properties("Provider Name") & vbCrLf
            strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & "Provider Version: " & gadoConnection.Properties("Provider Version") & vbCrLf
            strCaption = "ADO Version information:"
            MsgBox strVersionInfo, , strCaption
            strCaption = "Connection Properties:"
            strVersionInfo = ""
            For Each connprop In gadoConnection.Properties
                strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & connprop.Name & ": " & connprop & vbCrLf
            MsgBox strVersionInfo, , strCaption
            strCaption = "Recordset Properties:"
            strVersionInfo = ""
            Set gadoRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
            With gadoRecordset
                .ActiveConnection = gadoConnection
                .Source = "Select * From " & Trim(gstrSchema) & ".SUBDVN"
            End With
            For Each rsprop In gadoRecordset.Properties
                strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & rsprop.Name & ": " & rsprop & vbCrLf
            MsgBox strVersionInfo, , strCaption
            Set gadoRecordset = Nothing
            Set gadoConnection = Nothing
        End Sub
        What this does is retrieve the parameters collections from the ADO connection and recordset objects, and displays them in a dialog box. These properties are different from one version of the OLE DB provider, and from one provider manufacturer, to the next.

        Run this and take a look at the results to see if you can find a property having to do with transaction processing, and we'll go from there.
        "Time passes, but sometimes it beats the <crap> out of you as it goes."

