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Data Queues

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  • Data Queues

    We are looking at developing an application that will be passing information between systems. There will be a high volume of traffic going back and forth. In researching our options, we are thinking of using data queues to be the repository for the data prior to sending/receiving it.

    I've been trying to find any current information regarding performance of data queues and am striking out. There are a few articles or forum posts from about 10 years or more ago that anecdotally indicate data que performance can degrade as the volume of data increases. Does anyone have any modern information related to data que performance or perhaps can point me to a modern article that addresses that topic?

  • #2
    I have various application that use user queue, that has better performance respect to data queue, it's a little complicate to start, but if I had time I can try to give you some example...

    Here's you can find some example and explaination:



    • #3
      My first thought was that there is a limit how big a data queue can be. Once it was 16MB but now it is possible to specify 2 GB.

      You could consider to write the data to a physical file and then have a trigger sending one character to a data queue.
      Thus your target program could listen to the data queue and when data is received in the data queue read the file.

