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Calculating last work da of the month

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  • Calculating last work da of the month

    How can I determine the last workday of the month, assuming workdays are Monday thru Friday. We have our own table that contains the dates of holidays

  • #2
    What about:
    Values(Last_Day(YourDate) - Case DayOfWeek_ISO(Last_Day(YourDate))
                                                                   When 6 Then 1
                                                                   When 7 Then 2
                                                                   Else 0
                                                          End Days);

    Last edited by B.Hauser; December 12, 2023, 10:41 AM.


    • #3
      It took me a few passes to understand what that was doing. Clever!

      gregwga50 - do you want the last weekday of the month as per Birgitta's example, or the last working day accounting for holidays? If it's the latter, it's hard to provide a complete solution without seeing the structure of your holiday table, but I imagine it could be something like this:

      select h.date_of_day from holiday_table h         // Select dates from your holiday table,
       where h.date_of_day >= current date              // Omitting past dates from consideration for efficiency,
         and h.date_of_day < current date + 32 days     // Omitting future dates more than one month away from consideration for efficiency,
         and h.is_working_day = 'Y'                     // That are working days,
         and DayOfWeek_ISO(h.date_of_day) < 6           // And are weekdays (may not need this if is_working_day covers it),
         and month(h.date_of_day) = month(current date) // And are in the same month as current date,
       order by date_of_day desc                        // We want the latest possible date first, as the latest match will be the last working date in the month
       limit 1;                                         // We only want that one date​
      The code assumes that your holiday_table is keyed on date_of_day. If you had an index for month(date_of_day) then you wouldn't need the two "omitting xyz dates from consideration" efficiency checks

