A new site: https://www.easy400.net/jobsibmi .
I you are an IBM-i expert and you want to look for a more rewarding job, sign-in and post your job request.
If you are a Company relying on IBM-i and you are looking for one more expert, sign-in and post your job opening.
The more post we have, the more posts will come.
Help the IBM-i expert marketing to grow.
to day, post your requirement, turnaround improves growth.
National languages are welcome.
I you are an IBM-i expert and you want to look for a more rewarding job, sign-in and post your job request.
If you are a Company relying on IBM-i and you are looking for one more expert, sign-in and post your job opening.
The more post we have, the more posts will come.
Help the IBM-i expert marketing to grow.
to day, post your requirement, turnaround improves growth.
National languages are welcome.