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CMDTOOLS utility

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  • CMDTOOLS utility

    I have been asked a couple of times about some utilities I wrote so I thought I would post them out here for anyone who wanted to use them. There are a couple of steps you need to set these up, but once you do, it will make some functions MUCH easier to use and read in your ILERPG. This one contains tools for running AS400 commands inside RPG.

    1. Create a source file called QCPYSRC in some library that will be in your library list anytime you are going to compile a program.

    2. Create a source member in the source file called CMDTOOLS and place the following code in the member. This member does NOT get compiled.

     *                                                               *      
     *  Copy Book for procedures defined in the service program      *      
     *  CMDTOOLS                                                     *      
     *                                                               *      
    D RunCommand      PR           272A                                     
    D      Parm1                 32767A                     CONST           
    D CheckCommand    PR           272A                                     
    D      Parm1                 32767A                     CONST           
    D CommandLine     PR
    3. In one of your RPG source files, create a member called CMDTOOLS and copy the following source into it.

    H OPTION(*NODEBUGIO:*SRCSTMT) DEBUG(*YES) NOMAIN                         
     *                                                               *       
     *  Service Program Name: CmdTools                               *       
     *  Description ........: This service program contains          *       
     *                        routines to make the handling of       *       
     *                        commands easier.                       *       
     *                                                               *       
     * API error data structure.                                             
    D @@ErrorDS       DS                     Qualified                       
    D   ByteProv                     9B 0    INZ(%SIZE(@@ErrorDS.msgdata))   
    D   BytesAval                    9B 0    INZ(%SIZE(@@ErrorDS.msgdata))   
    D   Msgid                        7A      INZ(*BLANKS)                    
    D   Filler                       1A      INZ(*BLANKS)                    
    D   MsgData                    256A      INZ(*BLANKS)                    
     * Procedure definitions.                                                
     /COPY QCPYSRC,CmdTools                                                  
     * Program Status Data Structure.                                     
    D PSDS           SDS                  QUALIFIED                       
    D  MsgId                 40     46                                    
    D  MsgData               91    170                                    
    D QCMDEXC         PR                  EXTPGM('QCMDEXC')               
    D      Parm1                 32767A                     CONST         
    D      Parm2                    15P 5 CONST                           
    D QCMDCHK         PR                  EXTPGM('QCMDCHK')               
    D      Parm1                 32767A                     CONST         
    D      Parm2                    15P 5 CONST                           
     *                                                               *
     *  Run Command Procedure                                        *
     *                                                               *
    P RunCommand      B                   EXPORT                      
    D RunCommand      PI                  LIKE(@@ErrorDS)             
    D    P_CmdString             32767A                     CONST     
    D    Length       S              5S 0                             
    C                   RESET                   @@ErrorDS             
    C                   EVAL      LENGTH = %LEN(%TRIM(P_CmdString))   
    C                   MONITOR                                       
    C                   Callp     QCMDEXC(%trim(P_CmdString):         
    C                                     %LEN(%TRIM(P_CmdString)))   
    C                   ON-ERROR                                      
    C                   EVAL      @@ErrorDS.MsgId  = PSDS.MsgId       
    C                   EVAL      @@ErrorDS.MsgData  = PSDS.MsgData   
    C                   ENDMON                                        
    C                   RETURN    @@ErrorDS                           
    P                 E                                               
     *                                                               *
     *  Check Command Procedure                                      *
     *                                                               *
    P CheckCommand    B                   EXPORT                      
    D CheckCommand    PI                  LIKE(@@ErrorDS)             
    D    P_CmdString             32767A                     CONST     
    C                   RESET                   @@ErrorDS             
    C                   MONITOR                                       
    C                   Callp     QCMDCHK(%trim(P_CmdString):         
    C                                     %LEN(%TRIM(P_CmdString)))   
    C                   ON-ERROR                                      
    C                   EVAL      @@ErrorDS.MsgId  = PSDS.MsgId       
    C                   EVAL      @@ErrorDS.MsgData  = PSDS.MsgData   
    C                   ENDMON                                         
    C                   RETURN    @@ErrorDS                            
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  Display a command line                                       * 
     *                                                               * 
    P CommandLine     B                   EXPORT                       
    D CommandLine     PI                                               
    C                   MONITOR                                        
    C                   Call      'QUSCMDLN'                           
    C                   ON-ERROR                                       
    C                   ENDMON                                         
    C                   RETURN                                         
    P                 E
    3. Ok, save the source and use option 15 to compile it somewhere.

    4. Now we need to create a binding directory. In a library that will be in your library list when you compile stuff use the command
    CRTBNDDIR to create a binding directory called CMDTOOLS.

    5. Now you need to add your module to this binder. Use the command ADDBNDDIRE BNDDIR(CMDTOOLS)
    OBJ((CMDTOOLS *MODULE)) to create an entry for your module in the binder.

    Now your ready to use these procedures in your program.

    To use these procedures in an RPG program, you just need to reference the binder in an H spec, and include the copy book in your source. For example:

    H  BNDDIR('CMDTOOLS')                               
     /COPY QCPYSRC,CmdTools                             
           *inlr = *on;                                 
    There is also a procedure to display a command line or check the validity of a command.

  • #2
    Re: CMDTOOLS utility

    oh!! what a beautiful !!!

