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  • MSGTOOLS Utility

    Ok, I received some positive feedback from the CMDTOOLS utility, so I thought I would paste my favorite utility for interactive RPG programs. This is the MSGTOOLS utility which makes handling messages in RPG easier.

    (You need to have CMDTOOLS working to use this one.)

    1. First, create a copy book with the following member in it, somewhere in your compile library list. (name the member MSGTOOLS)

     *                                                               * 
     *  Copy Book for procedures defined in the service program      * 
     *  MSGTOOLS                                                     * 
     *                                                               * 
    D SendMsg         PR                                               
    D    Id                          7    VALUE                        
    D    Data                       80    VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)       
    D    File                       10    VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)       
    D    Library                    10    VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)       
    D SendMsgText     PR                                               
    D    Message                    80    VALUE                        
    D SendEscMsg      PR                                               
    D   Message                     80A   VALUE                        
    D SendStsMsg      PR                                               
    D   Message                     80A   VALUE                        
    D DspMsgs         PR                                               
    D ClearMsgs       PR                                            
    D ClearLastMsg    PR                                            
    D RtvMsgText      PR            80                              
    D    Id                          7    VALUE                     
    D    Data                       80    VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)    
    D    File                       10    VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)    
    D    Library                    10    VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)    
    D RetrieveCaller  PR            10A
    2. Create a source member called MSGTOOLS in QRPGLESRC for the procedure source.

    H BNDDIR('CMDTOOLS')                                       
     *                                                               *  
     *  Service Program Name: MsgTools                               *  
     *  Author .............: Soup Dog                              *  
     *  Date Written .......: January 10, 2007                       *  
     *  Description ........: This service program contains          *  
     *                        routines to make the handling of       *  
     *                        messages easier.                       *  
     *                                                               *  
     * Variable declarations.                                           
    D Msg             DS                   QUALIFIED                    
    D    Id                          7     INZ        
    D    Data                       80     INZ        
    D    File                       10     INZ        
    D    Library                    10     INZ        
    D ErrorDS         ds            16                
    D   BytesProv                   10i 0 inz(16)     
    D   BytesAvail                  10i 0             
    D   ExceptionID                  7                
    D RetrieveMsgQ    PR            10A               
     * Program Status Data Structure.                 
    D RPGDS          SDS           429                
    D  Program          *PROC                         
    D  Routine          *ROUTINE                      
    D  JobName              244    253                
    D  User                 254    263                
    D  JobNumber            264    269  0             
    D  ProcessPgm           334    343                
    D  ProcessMod           344    353                
     * Procedure definitions.                                 
     /COPY QCPYSRC,MsgTools                                   
     /COPY QCPYSRC,CmdTools                                   
    D setScreenWidth  PR                                      
    D SendPgmMsg      pr                  extpgm('QMHSNDPM')  
    D   MsgID                        7    CONST               
    D   MsgFile                     20    CONST               
    D   MsgDta                      80    CONST               
    D   MsgDtaLen                   10i 0 CONST               
    D   MsgType                     10    CONST               
    D   MsgQ                        10    CONST               
    D   MsgQNbr                     10i 0 CONST               
    D   MsgKey                       4                        
    D   ErrorDS                     16                        
    D  MsgKey         s              4                        
    D  MsgLevel       s              3s 0      INZ(1)                          
     *                                                               *         
     *  SendMsg  Procedure                                           *         
     *                                                               *         
    P SendMsg         B                   EXPORT                               
    D SendMsg         PI                                                       
    D P_MsgId                             VALUE LIKE(Msg.Id)                   
    D P_MsgData                           VALUE LIKE(Msg.Data) OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
    D P_MsgFile                           VALUE LIKE(Msg.File) OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
    D P_MsgLibrary                        VALUE LIKE(Msg.Library)              
    D                                     OPTIONS(*NOPASS)                     
    C                   IF        %PARMS > 3                                   
    C                   EVAL      Msg.Library = P_MsgLibrary                   
    C                   ELSE                                                   
    C                   EVAL      Msg.Library = '*LIBL'                        
    C                   ENDIF                                                  
    C                   IF        %PARMS > 2                                   
    C                   EVAL      Msg.File = P_MsgFile            
    C                   ELSEIF    %SUBST(P_MsgId:1:3) = 'CPF'     
    C                   EVAL      Msg.File = 'QCPFMSG'            
    C                   ELSE                                      
    C                   EVAL      Msg.File = 'HILLMSGF'           
    C                   ENDIF                                     
    C                   IF        %PARMS > 1                      
    C                   EVAL      Msg.Data = P_MsgData            
    C                   ELSE                                      
    C                   EVAL      Msg.Data = *BLANKS              
    C                   ENDIF                                     
    C                   EVAL      Msg.Id = P_MsgId                
    C                   IF        Msg.Id = *BLANKS AND            
    C                             Msg.Data <> *BLANKS             
    C                   EVAL      Msg.Id = 'CPDA0FF'              
    C                   EVAL      Msg.File = 'QCPFMSG'            
    C                   ENDIF                                     
    C                   callp     SendPgmMsg (             
    C                               Msg.File + Msg.Library:       
    C                               Msg.Data:                     
    C                               %len(Msg.Data):                    
    C                               '*INFO':                           
    C                               '*':                               
    C                               MsgLevel:                          
    C                               MsgKey:                            
    C                               ErrorDS)                           
    C                   RETURN                                         
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  SendMsgText Procedure                                        * 
     *                                                               * 
    P SendMsgText     B                   EXPORT                       
    D SendMsgText     PI                                               
    D P_MsgData                           LIKE(Msg.Data) VALUE         
    C                   callp     SendPgmMsg ('CPDA0FF':               
    C                               'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':            
    C                               P_MsgData:                         
    C                               %len(P_MsgData):                   
    C                               '*INFO':                           
    C                               '*':                               
    C                               MsgLevel:                          
    C                               MsgKey:                            
    C                               ErrorDS)                           
    C                   return                                         
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  SendEscMsg Procedure                                         * 
     *                                                               * 
    P SendEscMsg      B                   EXPORT                       
    D SendEscMsg      PI                                               
    D P_MsgData                     80a   VALUE                        
    C                   callp     SendPgmMsg ('CPA2401':               
    C                               'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':            
    C                               P_MsgData:                         
    C                               %len(P_MsgData):                   
    C                               '*ESCAPE':                         
    C                               '*':                               
    C                               MsgLevel:                          
    C                               MsgKey:                            
    C                               ErrorDS)                           
    C                   return                                         
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  SendStsMsg Procedure                                         * 
     *                                                               * 
    P SendStsMsg      B                   EXPORT                       
    D SendStsMsg      PI                                               
    D P_MsgData                     80a   VALUE                        
    C                   callp     SendPgmMsg ('CPDA0FF':               
    C                               'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':            
    C                               P_MsgData:                         
    C                               %len(P_MsgData):                   
    C                               '*STATUS':                         
    C                               '*EXT':                            
    C                               0:                                 
    C                               MsgKey:                            
    C                               ErrorDS)                           
    C                   return                                         
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  DspMsgs  Procedure                                           * 
     *                                                               * 
    P DspMsgs         B                   EXPORT                       
    D DspMsgs         PI                                               
    C                   Callp     RunCommand('DSPMSG')                 
    C                   RETURN                                         
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  ClearMsgs Procedure                                          * 
     *                                                               * 
    P ClearMsgs       B                   EXPORT                       
    D ClearMsgs       PI                                               
    D QmhRmvPM        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHRMVPM')           
    D CallStackEntry                64A   CONST OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)      
    D CallStackCount                10I 0 CONST                        
    D MsgKey                         4A   CONST                        
    D MsgToRemove                   10A   CONST                        
    D    ErrorDS                    16                                 
           QMHRMVPM('*' : MsgLevel : '   ' : '*ALL' : ErrorDS);        
    P                 E                                                
     *                                                               * 
     *  ClearLastMsg Procedure                                       * 
     *                                                               * 
    P ClearLastMsg    B                   EXPORT                       
    D ClearLastMsg    PI                                               
    D MsgData         S                   LIKE(Msg.Data)               
    d msglen          s             10I 0 inz                          
    d cstkcn          s             10I 0 inz                          
    d waittm          s             10I 0 inz                          
    C                   CALL(E)   'QMHRCVPM'                           
    C                   PARM                    MsgData                        
    C                   PARM      80            MSGLEN                         
    C                   PARM      'RCVM0200'    FMTNAM            8            
    C                   PARM      '*'           CSTKEN           10            
    C                   PARM      msgLevel      CSTKCN                         
    C                   PARM      '*LAST'       MSGTYP           10            
    C                   PARM      *BLANKS       MSGKEY            4            
    C                   PARM                    WAITTM                         
    C                   PARM      '*REMOVE'     MSGACT           10            
    C                   PARM                    Errords                        
    P                 E                                                        
     *                                                               *         
     *  RtvMsgText Procedure                                         *         
     *                                                               *         
    P RtvMsgText      B                   EXPORT                               
    D RtvMsgText      PI            80                                         
    D   P_MsgId                           VALUE LIKE(Msg.Id)                   
    D   P_MsgData                         VALUE LIKE(Msg.Data) OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
    D   P_MsgFile                         VALUE LIKE(Msg.File) OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
    D   P_MsgLibrary                      VALUE LIKE(Msg.Library)              
    D                                     OPTIONS(*NOPASS)                     
     * API error data structure.                                               
    D ErrorAPI        DS                     Qualified                         
    D   ByteProv                     9B 0    INZ(%SIZE(ErrorAPI.msgdata))      
    D   BytesAval                    9B 0    INZ(%SIZE(ErrorAPI.msgdata))      
    D   Msgid                        7A      INZ(*BLANKS)                      
    D   Filler                       1A      INZ(*BLANKS)                      
    D   MsgData                    256A      INZ(*BLANKS)                      
     * RTVM0100 Format                                                         
    D Text            DS                     Qualified                         
    D   BytesRet                     9B 0    INZ(0)                            
    D   BytesProv                    9B 0    INZ(0)                            
    D   LenRet                       9B 0    INZ(0)                            
    D   LenAva                       9B 0    INZ(0)                            
    D   LenHelpRet                   9B 0    INZ(0)                            
    D   LenHelpAva                   9B 0    INZ(0)                            
    D   MsgText                     80       INZ(*BLANKS)                      
    D   MsgHelp                    256       INZ(*BLANKS)                      
     * Parm fields for retrieve text prototype                                 
    D   TextLength    S              9B 0 INZ(%Len(Text))         
    D   Format        S              8    INZ('RTVM0100')         
    D   MessageId     S              7                            
    D   MessageFile   DS                                          
    D      MsgFile                  10                            
    D      MsgLib                   10                            
    D   Data          S                   LIKE(Msg.Data)          
    D   DataLength    S              9B 0 INZ(%LEN(Data))         
    D   SubstValues   S             10    INZ('*YES')             
    D   ReturnFormat  S             10    INZ('*YES')             
     * Procedure definitions for retrieving the message text.     
    D QMHRTVM         PR                  EXTPGM('QMHRTVM')       
    D   parm1                             LIKE(Text)              
    D   parm2                             LIKE(TextLength)        
    D   parm3                             LIKE(Format)            
    D   parm4                             LIKE(MessageId)         
    D   parm5                             LIKE(MessageFile)       
    D   parm6                             LIKE(Data)              
    D   parm7                             LIKE(DataLength)        
    D   parm8                             LIKE(SubstValues)       
    D   parm9                             LIKE(ReturnFormat)      
    D   parm10                            LIKE(ErrorAPI)          
    C                   IF        %PARMS > 3                      
    C                   EVAL      MsgLib = P_MsgLibrary           
    C                   ELSE                                      
    C                   EVAL      MsgLib = '*LIBL'                
    C                   ENDIF                                     
    C                   IF        %PARMS > 2                      
    C                   EVAL      MsgFile = P_MsgFile             
    C                   ELSEIF    %SUBST(P_MsgId:1:3) = 'CPF' Or  
    C                             %SUBST(P_MsgId:1:3) = 'CPD'     
    C                   EVAL      MsgFile = 'QCPFMSG'             
    C                   ELSE                                      
    C                   EVAL      MsgFile = 'HILLMSGF'            
    C                   ENDIF                                     
    C                   IF        %PARMS > 1                      
    C                   EVAL      Data = P_MsgData                
    C                   ELSE                                      
    C                   EVAL      Data = *BLANKS                  
    C                   ENDIF                                     
    C                   EVAL      MessageId = P_MsgId             
    C                   IF        MessageId = *BLANKS AND         
    C                             Data <> *BLANKS                     
    C                   EVAL      MessageId = 'CPDA0FF'               
    C                   EVAL      MsgFile = 'QCPFMSG'                 
    C                   ENDIF                                         
    C                   CALLP     QMHRTVM(Text:TextLength:Format:     
    C                                    MessageId:MessageFile:       
    C                                    Data:DataLength:SubstValues: 
    C                                    ReturnFormat:ErrorAPI)       
    C                   RETURN    Text.MsgText                        
    P                 E                                               
     *  Retrieve Caller Procedure.                                   *
    P RetrieveCaller  B                   EXPORT                      
    D RetrieveCaller  PI            10A                               
     * Field definitions for retrieving the call stack entry.         
    D rtvCallStack    DS                  Qualified                   
    D  Receiver                           LIKE(CSTK0100) INZ               
    D  Length                        9B 0 inz(%size(rtvCallStack.Receiver))
    D  Format                        8A   inz('CSTK0100')                  
    D  JobId                              LIKE(JIDF0100) INZ               
    D  JobIdFormat                   8A   inz('JIDF0100')                  
    D  Error                              LIKE(APIError) INZ               
    D JIDF0100        DS                  Qualified                        
    D  Name                         10A   INZ('*')                         
    D  User                         10A   INZ(*BLANKS)                     
    D  Number                        6A   INZ(*BLANKS)                     
    D  Id                           16A                                    
    D  Reserved                      2A   INZ(*LOVAL)                      
    D  ThreadIndic                   9B 0 INZ(1)                           
    D  ThreadId                      8A   INZ(*LOVAL)                      
    D CSTK0100        DS          5000    Qualified inz                    
    D  BytesReturned                 9B 0                                  
    D  BytesAvail                    9B 0                                  
    D  #ofEntries                    9B 0                                  
    D  StackOffset                   9B 0                                  
    D  #Returned                     9B 0                                  
    D StackEntry      DS           256    Qualified inz                    
    D  Length                        9B 0                                
    D  StatementDisp                 9B 0                                
    D  #ofIds                        9B 0                                
    D  ProcedureDisp                 9B 0                                
    D  LenProcedure                  9B 0                                
    D  RequestLevel                  9B 0                                
    D  ProgramName                  10A                                  
    D  ProgramLib                   10A                                  
    D  Instruction#                  9B 0                                
    D  ModuleName                   10A                                  
    D  ModuleLib                    10A                                  
    D  Boundary                      1A                                  
    D  Reserved1                     3A                                  
    D  ActGroup#                     9B 0                                
    D  ActGroupName                 10A                                  
     * Procedure definitions for the retrieve call stack entry API.      
    D QWVRCSTK        PR                  EXTPGM('QWVRCSTK')             
    D   Parm1                             LIKE(rtvCallStack.Receiver)    
    D   Parm2                             LIKE(rtvCallStack.Length)      
    D   Parm3                             LIKE(rtvCallStack.Format)      
    D   Parm4                             LIKE(rtvCallStack.JobId)       
    D   Parm5                             LIKE(rtvCallStack.JobIdFormat) 
    D   Parm6                             LIKE(rtvCallStack.Error)       
     * API Error Data structure.                                         
    D APIError        DS                     INZ Qualified               
    D   ByteProv                     9B 0    INZ(%SIZE(APIError.msgdata))
    D   Bytesaval                    9B 0                                
    D   Msgid                        7A                                  
    D   Filler                       1A                                  
    D   MsgData                    100A                                  
    D Offset          S              7P 0                                
     * Get API to get the call stack.                                    
    C                   EVAL      rtvCallStack.Receiver = CSTK0100       
    C                   EVAL      rtvCallStack.JobId = JIDF0100          
    C                   CALLP     QWVRCSTK(rtvCallStack.Receiver:        
    C                                     rtvCallStack.Length:           
    C                                     rtvCallStack.Format:           
    C                                     rtvCallStack.jobId:            
    C                                     rtvCallStack.jobIdFormat:      
    C                                     rtvCallStack.Error)            
    C                   EVAL      CSTK0100 = rtvCallStack.Receiver       
    C                   EVAL      Offset = CSTK0100.StackOffset + 1    
     * Get the first call stack entry.   This will be the name of      
     * the calling procedure                                           
    C                   EVAL      StackEntry = %SUBST(CSTK0100:Offset) 
     * Get the next call stack entry.   This will be the name of the   
     * service program.                                                
    C                   EVAL      Offset = Offset + StackEntry.Length  
    C                   EVAL      StackEntry = %SUBST(CSTK0100:Offset) 
     * Get the next call stack entry.   This should be the calling     
     * program.                                                        
    C                   EVAL      Offset = Offset + StackEntry.Length  
    C                   EVAL      StackEntry = %SUBST(CSTK0100:Offset) 
     * Get the next call stack entry.   This should be the name of the 
     * program that called the calling program.                        
    C                   EVAL      Offset = Offset + StackEntry.Length  
    C                   EVAL      StackEntry = %SUBST(CSTK0100:Offset) 
    C                   Return    StackEntry.ProgramName               
    P                 E
    3. Ok, compile the module using option 15.
    4. Create a binding directory called MSGTOOLS and add an entry to the directory for this new module.

    Now your ready to create a screen.

    I'll post an example as a reply...

  • #2
    Re: MSGTOOLS Utility

    Here is an example...

    H DEBUG                                                              
    H DATEDIT(*MDY)                                                      
    H OPTION(*NODEBUGIO:*SRCSTMT)                                        
    H DFTACTGRP(*NO)                                                     
    H BNDDIR('MSGTOOLS':'CMDTOOLS')                                      
     *  Programmer:       Soup Dog                                       
     *  Creation Date:    03/30/2009                                     
     * File specifications                                               
     * Display File                                                      
    Ftestmsg   CF   E             WORKSTN INDDS(Indicators)              
    F                                     INFDS(INFDS)                   
     * Array definitions                                                 
     * Data structure definitions                                            
     * Program information data structure                                    
    D PSDS           SDS                                                     
    D  Program                1     10                                       
    D  UserId               254    263                                       
     * Indicator Data Structure.                                             
    D Indicators      DS                  QUALIFIED                          
    D SubfileFlags           91     99    INZ('110000001')                   
     * Subfile Flags                                                         
    D SubfilePointer  S               *   INZ(%ADDR(Indicators.SubfileFlags))
    D Subfile         DS                  QUALIFIED BASED(SubfilePointer)    
    D  Fold                   1      1N                                      
    D  Descending             2      2N                                      
    D  Position               3      3N                                      
    D PositionCursor          4      4N                                      
    D  NextChanged            5      5N                                      
    D  Bottom                 6      6N                                      
    D  Display                7      7N                                      
    D  Clear                  8      8N                                      
    D  Messages               9      9N                                      
     * Display file data structure                                     
    D INFDS           ds                                               
    D KeyPressed            369    369                                 
    D LowRRN                378    379B 0                              
     * Variable definitions                                            
     * Constant definitions                                            
     * Function Keys                                                   
    d @Exit           c                   const(x'33')                 
    d @Refresh        c                   const(x'35')                 
    d @Create         c                   const(x'36')                 
    d @Sort           c                   const(x'38')                 
    d @Cancel         c                   const(x'3C')                 
    d @SflFold        c                   const(x'B4')                 
    d @Enter          c                   const(x'F1')                 
    d @PageDown       c                   const(x'F5')                 
    d @PageUp         c                   const(x'F4')                 
    * Parameter Lists                                                     
    /COPY QCPYSRC,MSGTOOLS                                                
    /COPY QCPYSRC,CMDTOOLS                                                
    * Key Lists                                                           
    * Main Program Logic                                                  
        dow keypressed <> @Exit and keyPressed <> @Cancel;                
            sendmsgtext('This should not display');      
            sendmsgtext('This should display.');      
            sendmsgtext('This should not display.');      
           write ctlmsg;                                                  
           exfmt screen;                                                  
          runCommand('DLYJOB 2');
        *inlr = *on;                                    
    Here is the example DDS:

    A                                      DSPSIZ(27 132 *DS3)       
    A                                      CA01                      
    A                                      CA02                      
    A                                      CA03                      
    A                                      CA04                      
    A                                      CA05                      
    A                                      CA06                      
    A                                      CA07                      
    A                                      CA08                      
    A                                      CA09                      
    A                                      CA10                      
    A                                      CA11                      
    A                                      CA12                      
    A                                      CA13                      
    A                                      CA14           
    A                                      CA15           
    A                                      CF16(91)       
    A                                      CA17           
    A                                      CA18           
    A                                      CA19           
    A                                      CA20           
    A                                      CA21           
    A                                      CA22           
    A                                      CA23           
    A                                      CA24           
    A                                      ROLLUP         
    A                                      ROLLDOWN       
    A                                      INDARA         
    A          R SCREEN                                   
    A                                      OVERLAY        
    A                                  1 35'TEST SCREEN'  
    A                                 21  3'F3=Exit'      
    A                                      COLOR(BLU)     
    A                                 21 13'F6=Create'    
    A                                      COLOR(BLU)     
    A                                 21 25'F8=Sort'      
    A                                      COLOR(BLU)     
    A                                      COLOR(BLU)       
    A          R SFLMSG                    SFL              
    A                                      SFLMSGRCD(22)    
    A            MSGKEY                    SFLMSGKEY        
    A            PROGRAM                   SFLPGMQ(10)      
    A          R CTLMSG                    SFLCTL(SFLMSG)   
    A                                      SFLSIZ(0010)     
    A                                      SFLPAG(0003)     
    A                                      OVERLAY          
    A  99                                  SFLDSP           
    A  99                                  SFLDSPCTL        
    A  99                                  SFLINZ           
    A            PROGRAM                   SFLPGMQ(10)      A                                 21 35'F12=Cancel'
    Hopefully I copied and pasted all of that stuff correctly.

    Give it a try and if you have any questions just give me a shout.

