With the V6R1 some very interesting view on the catalog appear : the SYS___STAT view.
You create indexes for SQL performance.
But are they really used by the two SQL engines?
An example on indexes not used for 200 days.
You can use the sYSPARTITIONIDEXSTAT view too.
An example of a SQL statement which extracts files requiring a RGZPFM because they have more than a million rows and possess 10 % of deleted rows or have simply 80 % of deleted rows.
Display the hundrerd first ones only.
You use the adopted autorities for your security : USRPRF(*OWNER),
but it is necessary to think of it also for the dynamic SQL DYNUSRPRF(*OWNER).
Did not you forget it on your stored procedures, your SQL functions, or simply in your SQLRPGLE?
Many of our logical files requiring to be recompiled because they could share access paths
with others logical files or indexes. Do I need to recompile some logical files ?
You create indexes for SQL performance.
But are they really used by the two SQL engines?
An example on indexes not used for 200 days.
select system_index_schema, system_index_name, LAST_USED_TIMESTAMP from SYSINDEXSTAT where days(current date) - days(ifnull(date(LAST_USED_TIMESTAMP), '01.01.2000')) > 200 order by 1, 2
An example of a SQL statement which extracts files requiring a RGZPFM because they have more than a million rows and possess 10 % of deleted rows or have simply 80 % of deleted rows.
Display the hundrerd first ones only.
with t1 as (select SYSTEM_TABLE_SCHEMA Schema, SYSTEM_TABLE_NAME table, dec(round( number_deleted_rows / (cast((number_rows + number_deleted_rows) as decimal (22, 4))) * 100, 3), 6, 3) Pourcentage, dec(number_rows , 11, 0) Enregs, dec(number_deleted_rows, 11, 0) Supprimes from SYSTABLESTAT t where number_deleted_rows > 0) select * from t1 where (Enregs + Supprimes > 1000000 AND Pourcentage > 10) or (Pourcentage >= 80) Order by Enregs desc, Pourcentage desc Fetch first 100 rows only
You use the adopted autorities for your security : USRPRF(*OWNER),
but it is necessary to think of it also for the dynamic SQL DYNUSRPRF(*OWNER).
Did not you forget it on your stored procedures, your SQL functions, or simply in your SQLRPGLE?
Many of our logical files requiring to be recompiled because they could share access paths
with others logical files or indexes. Do I need to recompile some logical files ?
create table qtemp/Myfile as ( select tabschema, sys_tname Pfile, system_INDEX_NAME LFile, TABLE_PARTITION Member, INDEX_TYPE type, rank() over (partition by tabschema, sys_tname, TABLE_PARTITION order by case INDEX_TYPE when 'INDEX ' then 1 when 'LOGICAL ' then 0 end, CREATE_TIMESTAMP) seq, CREATE_TIMESTAMP Date, NUMBER_KEY_COLUMNS Nb_Keys, COLUMN_NAMES Keys from SYSPindex s Where INDEX_TYPE in ('INDEX', 'LOGICAL')) With data select distinct cast(T1.tabschema as char(15)) lib, t1.lfile from qtemp/Myfile t1 join qtemp/Myfile t2 on t1.Tabschema = t2.tabschema and t1.Pfile = t2.pfile and t1.Member = t2.member and t1.seq < t2.seq and t1.nb_keys <= t2.nb_keys and trim(t2.keys) like trim(t1.keys) concat '%' and not (t2.keys) = t1.keys