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cmd x

  • CPD0031 30 Command WRKMBRPDM not allowed in this setting

    Greetings all,

    I've been lurking for a few weeks now, so now it's time to test all of your knowledge with a big challenge (ha).

    I'm a newbie to iSeries, but not I.T. (+20 yrs in mainly p.c. / 'doze admin .. some 'nix).

    I've been puttering around at the free...
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  • redvan
    started a topic Command Definition and processing

    Command Definition and processing

    Good Morning,
    When defining a new command, is there a way to have the command retrieve and display certain values, either from a file or data area, without using a keyparm and a pop?
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  • redvan
    started a topic Command functionality

    Command functionality

    Hi, I create commands for any reason and then set them up as SEU options. When I enter an option next to 6 members and the command requires a missing parameter, I get prompted, but not just once, I get prompted 6 times. How do I get all 6 members to run under one instance of the command?...
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