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  • Sandro Carosso
    started a topic Encode pdf file

    Encode pdf file

    I have to consume a fedex web service within an ILE RPG procedure, where I should indicate the commercial electronic document in binary format. The electronic document is available in pdf format on the IFS. How can I convert this file to a binary string to be included in the XML specification? A code...
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  • BoZMan001
    started a topic Using CPYTOIMPF to create a UTF-8 encoded file.
    in IFS

    Using CPYTOIMPF to create a UTF-8 encoded file.

    Hi ,

    I have a PF 'TEST/ADDMST' created with CCSID 1208 to store UTF-8 data. I have populated the file with some CYRILLIC characters.
    We need to create a flat file from this data and send it to a third party application.
    I use 'CPYTOIMPF FROMFILE(TEST/ADDMST) TOSTMF('/tmp/utf8test1.txt')...
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  • John Tremper
    started a topic IFS Open - Authority Issue?

    IFS Open - Authority Issue?

    Hello, thanks in advance for any guidance. I am using the Open API in an RPGLE program (shown below), if the file is not in the IFS the open should create the empty file. We have 2 users where the FD returns as -1. Other users work correctly, FD returns as 0. All authorities appear to be identical...
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  • code401
    started a topic Read through file names - IFS

    Read through file names - IFS

    I need to write a bit of code that reads the file names (not the actual file itself) from an IFS directory, so I can store this in a DBF.

    How do I go about doing this? Can anyone show me any examples?

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  • Check Creation Date of Object on IFS drive to decide wether to delete or not

    Hey at all,
    I've been looking the web for several days now without being able to find a satisfying answer to my problem.
    Ideally I don't want to work with an API, and want to know if there is any functionality given within the iSeries.

    I plan to have a CL programm checking our...
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  • rdalgety
    started a topic Cfghttpsch
    in IFS


    Hi. I was planning to use CFGHTTPSCH to build a list of files in an IFS folder but it would appear it has been removed from V7R1. Does anyone know another way of achieving this?
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  • LiQuiD_FuSioN
    started a topic Noob Question: FTP, using "LCD" command
    in IFS

    Noob Question: FTP, using "LCD" command

    Good afternoon,

    I am embarrassed to ask such a basic question, so here goes!

    I am using FTP command on IBM i. I have a directory called "test" on IFS sitting in root directory.

    If I use wrklnk, I can find it here like this:
    Directory ....
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  • dlanz12345
    started a topic Symbolic Links on the IFS, Traversable via Windows?
    in IFS

    Symbolic Links on the IFS, Traversable via Windows?

    Hello, I am wondering if symbolic links (or some equivalent) are traversable via Windows on the IFS.

    I'm on an AS/400 using PHP for my sites.

    I currently have a folder structure similar to this:
    • WEBSITE_1
      • CLASSES
    • WEBSITE_2
      • CLASSES
    • WEBSITE_3
      • CLASSES
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  • vbp1@hotmail
    started a topic need help working with files on IFS

    need help working with files on IFS

    as subj. says I need help working with files on IFS.

    I have a folder on IFS "/home/mydir"
    this folder is used to FTP files onto AS/400 for further processing,
    basically I get the file from FTP server and import them into database.
    the files are...
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  • inigo.redin
    started a topic Trying to run big SQL script from IFS, using RUNSQLSTM
    in SQL

    Trying to run big SQL script from IFS, using RUNSQLSTM


    First time publishing here. Thanks for your ideas!

    I'm trying to run a big SQL script.
    It is composed by INSERT sentences. About 500.000.
    Just to try one way to migrate one file into iSeries, from another DB.

    It's ok, if the file...
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  • Gary B
    started a topic Zebra Labels to PDF anyone?

    Zebra Labels to PDF anyone?

    Hi All,

    We print a number of Zebra labels in our operation. Recently users asked if we could save labels so they could look at them when needed.

    Ideally this function would require manual intervention to create the doc in the ifs.

    Does anyone know of a way...
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  • Xcures
    started a topic Multiple files not getting written to IFS
    in IFS

    Multiple files not getting written to IFS

    Hi All,

    Our project has a requirement where in ELT tool ODI would be loading the data from oracle DB to AS400.

    ODI tried to load CSV files to a new directory created by us in IFS and is working fine for one file and when trying to load multiple files ODI job is...
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  • MPUT multiple IFS files to Windows server-IFS folder has spaces in name


    I am trying to FTP multiple files from an IFS folder to a windows server. I am using MPUT to send the files, but I need to change to the source directory on the IFS first. LCD and CD are not working. This folder on the IFS contains spaces in the name. It looks like this
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  • WarrenN
    started a topic Catch blocks not being excuted when running on IFS
    in JAVA

    Catch blocks not being excuted when running on IFS

    I have a Java program that connects to the AS400 and tries to read a file and convert it to xml. This works fine, but sometimes I expect the file to not be there, in which case I catch an exception and do a couple things like log that the file wasn't found.

    This all works great when...
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  • Xcures
    started a topic converting Stream File EOL parameter to *LF dynamically
    in IFS

    converting Stream File EOL parameter to *LF dynamically

    Hi All,

    I was trying write a program Automate SFTP process.
    My question is how do i convert Stream File EOL parameter to *LF dynamically?

    Please help me in this

    Thanks in advance
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