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  • mlopez01
    started a topic Help with LCKW and STACK_INFO

    Help with LCKW and STACK_INFO

    I'm not sure that this is the correct forum but I thought I'd try here first.This may be more of a systems question.

    We're tracking down a record LCKW situation. We make use of the STACK_INFO table function to list the information of the job that is waiting for a record lock and for the...
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  • deep
    started a topic Any secret vault service in IBM-i

    Any secret vault service in IBM-i


    Are you aware if there is any vault or secret manager service in IBM-i to store secrets like API key/client secret etc.?? Any direction/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

    Regards, Deep
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  • RGZPFM causes records to briefly disappear?

    GOAL: To be able to run RGZPFM while production is running


    RBDACCPTH was set to *NO to avoid the exclusive lock on the file

    ISSUE: While running the RGZPFM, a couple records will...
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  • user13482104
    started a topic Problems with an INSERT with embedded SQL

    Problems with an INSERT with embedded SQL

    Hello dear community,
    I'm currently having trouble with an insert. I can't get an insert. In the debug I saw that the SQLCOD was set to -7008 (object-name NOT VALID FOR
    OPERATION (reason code)). I've attached an image. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I create the file in QTEMP...
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  • Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

    What I'm supposed to do is read a base64 encoded value


    from a field in a database file and decode it to obtain the original JSON statement

    {"source":"CCDV","traceid":"3b3c1d6ce56cd1e0d58e40 8466aedea7"}...
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  • deep
    started a topic Is IBMi IWS impacted due to log4J vulnerability

    Is IBMi IWS impacted due to log4J vulnerability


    I could not find any information about IBM-I IWS vulnerability due to Log4J. We use IWS and wanted to know if it used apache Log4J logger and hence whether it is vulnerable. Appreciate any help....
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  • jemrugIBMi
    started a topic Baby Steps Kerberos

    Baby Steps Kerberos

    Hi All,

    I am researching Kerberos in the IBM midrange environment. I am a developer.

    I have client server desktop application. Front end java(using JT400 api) and backend Rpgle(PCML). So the client is using a mixture JDBC Sql and backend rpgle program calls.

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  • Is there an API through which I can get a list of what program calls what?

    I am trying to create my own impact analysis tool in order to get a command over CLLE and RPGLE. I have looked this up in forums but couldn't get an answer.

    Is there a way, wherein I enter a full or partial program name and would get an outfile populated with the program name and what...
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  • Most common enterprise software to learn in IBM i?

    6 yr IBM i (as400/powersystem) developer/analyst here.

    Just a thought/question for senior members. Learning EDIs, RPGLE, and FTP/sFTP (anything under native IBM i) is one thing, learning the enterprise software that a company uses to achieve such things is another. BPCS and Infor LX just...
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    Last edited by Luigi Brito; July 6, 2020, 04:26 AM. Reason: added tags so it's not a random post or anything

  • BoZMan001
    started a topic Retrieve CHRID of a spoolfile.
    in DDS

    Retrieve CHRID of a spoolfile.

    We have a CL program running as a batch program that copies a spoolfile to another spoolfile along with the original spoolfile attributes. The duplicate spoolfile is then FTPed to a 3rd party software for processing. I have to apply the CHRID of the original spoolfile to the duplicate spoolfile using...
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  • pshanmugam
    started a topic http_post_xml API

    http_post_xml API

    Hello Everyone, I am using an external tool to generate an XML payload and send it to destination web service with help of http_post_xml API. Could see log file created with response as 200. However return code (rc) from API shows as 500 and so program marks it as an error. Not sure if I am missing s...
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  • richiet
    started a topic Accessing Service Action Log

    Accessing Service Action Log

    Hi All,

    I have a couple of Iseries machines running V5r2 and V5r3. On both when accessing SST and going into the Service Action Log, it reports an invalid date format for dates of 2019.

    So 01/14/18 is fine but 01/14/19 is rejected.

    Is there a way around this as...
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  • CaptainRon
    started a topic Remote Journaling
    in DB2

    Remote Journaling

    So lets say I have 2 AS/400's. I journal on the production system. I want to access the journal on the development machine sometimes. I just want to do the basic dspjrn to a file but run the command on the dev machine against the productions journal . Is this possible without a 3rd party tool?
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  • deep
    started a topic Python on IBM I-series/AS400

    Python on IBM I-series/AS400

    IBM has many open source technology stacks in their i-series machines. Does anyone know whether IBM officially provides support for Python language like they do for native RPG/CL language ??
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  • jason.aleski
    started a topic Looking for Query/400 Alternative?

    Looking for Query/400 Alternative?

    I'm currently in a very "traditional" and small IBM i/IT shop (6 person crew). While its been bitter-sweet to have some of our IT staff for 30+ years, they will soon be leaving the workforce for retirement, etc; thus my responsibilities will be more focused on the IBM i. We still rely heavily...
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