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rpg/400 batch job x

  • KrishnaAS400
    started a topic CL program entery missing in JOBLOG & Spool

    CL program entery missing in JOBLOG & Spool

    Hi all,
    I have a CLP program C1 which is using SBMJOB inside the program to run 5 different batch jobs, and when i submit C1, i am getting Spool entries only for the internal submit jobs submitted by C1, but there is no entry for C1. But I want to get the starting time and ending time of my...
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  • KrishnaAS400
    started a topic SBMJOB Working procedure.

    SBMJOB Working procedure.

    Hi all,
    i have a CL program C1 which internally have a CALL to an RPG program R1 which reads a file F1 and writes to file F2. My CL program C1 also using SBMJOB command to CALL another CL program C2 which was designed such a way that it will submit 5 jobs(with all the neccesary information...
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  • kalyana
    started a topic RPG/400 Batch Job Debugging

    RPG/400 Batch Job Debugging

    I was asked in a interview to explain about batch job debugging,ihave learnt through Net that Debugging a Batch job involves

    1. Submit the job with the HOLD (*YES) parameter:
    SBMJOB HOLD(*YES) or Hold the job queue that before submitting the job
    by using the HLDJOBQ...
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