XA – Version 9.2.0
XA (MAPICS) table defiitions
M73 | AMFLIB | APHSTS | M73-Current invoice payment history | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | ARHSTS | M74-Current paid item history | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | BANKAB | M73-Bank account balance | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | BUYERF | M7K-Buyer master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | BUYERX | M7X-Buyer master replication extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | BUYEXT | M7X-Buyer master file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | CALHDR | M75-Calendar header file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | CALNDR | M75-Calendar file | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | CHECKB | M73-Bank reconciliation payments | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | CHECKF | M73-Accounts payable check interface | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | CHECKH | M73-Check history | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CLTDTL | M7X-User client task log | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CMMNTS | M7X-File/field comments file for CAS reports | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CMPADY | M8Z-Company aging days | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CMPANX | M7X-Company replication extension | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CMPASM | M8Z-Company aging summary | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CNFDTA | M7X-Data level conflicts file | |||||||||
M8Q | AMFLIB | CSMMED | M8Q-Customer media file | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CSRDEP | M8Z-Deposit | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CSRREC | M8Z-Cash receipt | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CSRRST | M7X-Costing simulation results | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CSRSPL | M8Z-Cash receipt activity | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CSTLBR | M7X-Costing labor rates | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CSTMFR | M7X-Costing manufacturing overhead rate/percent | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | CURHIS | M77-Current history | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CURRID | M7X-Currency ID table | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | CURXXA | M7X-Currency extension | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CUSADY | M8Z-Customer aging days | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CUSASM | M8Z-Customer aging summary | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CUSHSM | M8Z-AR cust. history summary | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CUSISM | M8Z-AR cust. invoice summary | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | CUSNTE | M8Z-AR customer notes | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | CUSSUM | M74-Customer summary | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | CUSTHI | M78-Sales analysis customer sales history | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | CUSTSA | M74-Customer interface | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | DMDREF | M7B-Demand reference file | |||||||||
M72 | AMFLIB | EMPMAS | Employee Master file | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | FACMST | M8E-Production facility | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | FILDEF | M7X-File definitions | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | FINDVX | M7X-Financial division replication extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | FLDSEC | M7X-Field-level security | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | GELMAS | M77-General ledger master | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | GELMASPY | M77-General ledger master | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | GELMASSV | M77-General ledger master | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | GLFORMF | M77-General ledger format-LF | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | GLFORMG | M77-General ledger format-LG | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | GLFORMH | M77-General ledger format-LH | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | IMHGEN | M75-Restored inventory transaction history | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | IMHIST | M75-(PRE)-Inventory transaction history file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | IMHISX | M7X-Inventory transaction history file extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | IMHPRT | M7X-Inventory transaction register print status | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | IMRVSL | M75-Inventory transaction history reversal status | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | INVACC | M75-Account assignment file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | INVSEQ | M75-Account assignment sequence file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | INVTXN | M75-Transaction file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ISOCID | M7X-ISO currencies | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ISOCTY | M7X-ISO countries | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ISOUOM | M7X-ISO units of measure | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | ITEMBL | M75-Item balance file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ITEMBX | M7X-Item balance extension | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | ITEMHI | M78-Item sales history | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | ITEMSA | M75-Item interface | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | ITEMSM | M78-Item summary | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | ITMENT | M8E-Enterprise item master | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | ITMPLN | M75-Item planning information | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | ITMPRC | M8E-Item process | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | ITMREL | M8E-Item release | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | ITMRVA | M8E-Item revision-A | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | ITMRVB | M8E-Item revision-B costing and planning info | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | ITMRVC | M8E-Item revision-C purchasing information | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ITMSIT | Item Enterprise (item current revision) | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ITRBPR | M7X-Item revision base price | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | JBACT2 | M7X-Programs logged as active with data | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | JOBACT | M7X-Jobs active file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | LIFITR | M75-Lifo/fifo transaction save | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | MANPAY | M73-Manual payments | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBA0CPP | M79-Comment xref to cust/item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBA1CPP | M79-Comment xref to customer physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBA2CPP | M79-Comment xref to report physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBA3REP | M79-Commission header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBA4CPP | M79-Commission line physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBA5REP | M7X-Company physical file | |||||||||
M8Q | AMFLIB | MBADPD | M8Q-Pending release physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBADREP | M79-Release physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBAECPP | M7X-Available comment numbers physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBALREP | M7X-Address physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBAOREP | M79-Bill of lading commodity physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBAPREP | M79-Calendar physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBAQREP | M79-Calendar day physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBASREP | M79-Cancellation reason physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBATREP | M79-Carrier physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBAWREP | M79-Comment header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBAXREP | M79-Comment line physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBAYCPP | M79-Comment xref quote/order physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBB0REP | M79-Item class physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBB2CPP | M79-Item master extension physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBB3REP | M79-Item price class physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBB4REP | M79-Item u/m conversion physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBB7CPP | M79-Historical tax inv summ physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBBBREP | M7X-Country physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBCCPP | M79-Credit memo extension physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBEREP | M79-Credit/debit reason physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBFREP | M79-Customer physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBGREP | M79-Customer class physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBIREP | M79-Customer/item xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBJREP | M79-Customer price physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBBMCPP | M7X-Sales order extension physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBOREP | M79-Fixed trade discount physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBQREP | M79-Pick ship to physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBTREP | M79-Global u/m conversion physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBVREP | M79-MRI-Header type physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBWCPP | M79-Historical customer order physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBYREP | M79-Hold code physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBBZREP | M79-Item base price physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBBZRX | M7X-Item base price extension file with end dates | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBC3CPP | M79-Quote extension physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBC4REP | M79-Quote price catalog physical file | |||||||||
M8Q | AMFLIB | MBC4RW | M8Q-Quote price catalog physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBC5REP | M79-Quote price catalog dtl physical file | |||||||||
M8Q | AMFLIB | MBC5RW | M8Q-Quote price catalog dtl physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBC6REP | M79-Quote/order header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBC7REP | M79-Quote/order spec charge physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCAREP | M79-Kit component physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCBREP | M79-Kit release physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCDREP | M79-Line item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCEREP | M79-Maintenance reason physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCHREP | M79-Non-inventoried item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCICPP | M79-Order change xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCJCPP | M79-Order extension physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCKREP | M79-Order hold xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCLREP | M79-Pick header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCMREP | M79-Pick list print trigger physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCNREP | M79-Pick release physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCOREP | M79-Pick/ship transaction physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCPREP | M79-Price book header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCQREP | M79-Price book header version physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCRREP | M79-Price book page 1 detail physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBCWCPP | M79-Price book page 3a detail physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBD0REP | M79-Transaction u/m class physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBD1REP | M7X-Unit of measure physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBD3CPP | M79-Co history release physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBD6REP | M79-Co history address physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBD7REP | M79-Co hist customer ship to physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBD8REP | M79-Variable trade discount physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBD9CPP | M79-Co hist comment xref ordr physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBDAREP | M7X-Unit of measure extension physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDCREP | M79-Co history special charge physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDDREP | M79-Shipment release physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDEREP | M79-Ship to physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDGCPP | M79-Co hist commission header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDHREP | M79-Shipment header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDJREP | M79-Special charge master physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBDLREP | M7X-State physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBDLRX | M7X-State extension | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDMCPP | M79-Substitution xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDQCPP | M79-Co hist commission line physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDRREP | M79-CO history line item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDWREP | M79-Co hist non-inventory itm physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDYREP | M79-Terms physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBDZREP | M79-Territory physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBECREP | M79-Co history comment header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBEDCPP | M79-Comment xref to item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBEECPP | M79-Comment xref to line item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBEFCPP | M79-Comment xref to order sc physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBEGREP | M79-Co history comment line physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBEHCPP | M79-Co hist cmmt xref ordr sc physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBEKREP | M79-Customer AR extension | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBF9CPP | M79-History special charge physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBF9REP | M79-Invoice header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBFBREP | M79-CO history header physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBFWREP | M79-MRI-Comment class physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBFXCPP | M7X-Co history header ext physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBFZCPP | M7X-Co history line item ext physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBG0CPP | M79-Company address physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGACPP | M79-History comment physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGCCPP | M79-Order archive control physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGDCPP | M79-History order archive xrf physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGECPP | M79-Historical pick release physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGFCPP | M79-Historical tax physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGGCPP | M79-History order line item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBGICPP | M79-History commission detail physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBGJREP | M7X-Co history cust ship-to physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBH3CPP | M7X-Company security physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBH5CPP | M79-Invoice print trigger physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBH6CPP | M79-Next invoice number physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBH7CPP | M79-Shipment release detail physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBIKREP | M79-Available order numbers physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBIMREP | M7X-Tax group physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBIUREP | M79-User pick list print dflt physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBIVREP | M79-User shipping list dflts physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBJ5CPP | M7X-Purchased item commodity physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBJAREP | M7X-Region physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBJRREP | M79-Next packing list number physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBJSREP | M79-Document type physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBJUREP | M79-Document/media xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKEREP | M79-Pick order physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKFCPP | M79-Packed container physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKGCPP | M79-Packed container detail physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKJREP | M79-Consolidated shipment physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKKCPP | M79-Comment xref to shipment physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKQREP | M79-Next bol number physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKSREP | M79-MRI-Address type physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBKVCPP | M79-Next shipment number physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBLGREP | M7X-Customer euro xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBLHREP | M79-Invoice header euro xref physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MBLJREP | M7X-Quote/order euro xref physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBMPCPP | M79-M8Q-Report print option-cmt physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBNACPP | M79-Co hist cmmt xref in item physical file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MBS2REP | M79-Customer ship to physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MEDIAF | M7X-PSI-media files | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MEDIAX | M7X-Media file embedded attributes | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MNHDTL | M7X-Maintenance history detail | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MNTCLS | M7X-Maintenance class | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | MODATA | M75-Manufacturing order detail | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MODESC | M71-Open operations additional description | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | MOHDMD | M75-Mfg order history demand | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MOHDSC | M71-Order history-operations descriptions | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | MOHDTA | M75-Order history-component detail | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MOHMSC | M71-Order history-miscellaneous charge detail | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | MOHMST | M75-Order history-summary | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | MOHREF | M75-Manufacturing order history-archive reference | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MOHRTG | M71-Order history-operations detail | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MOHTRN | M71-Shop activity transaction history | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | MOMAST | M75-Manufacturing order master file | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MOROUT | M71-Open order operations detail | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | MOTRAN | M71-Shop activity transaction file | |||||||||
AMFLIB | MTHACTE | Booking Records | ||||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | MTHACTV | M79-Monthly activity-booking detail | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZBQCPP | M7X-Data class/task xref physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZC2REP | M7X-Process group physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZCFREP | M7X-Application exit physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZD3CPP | M7X-User exit/api detail physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZD6CPP | M7X-User/security area xref physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZDRREP | M7X-Security area physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZDSCPP | M7X-Security area/task xref physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZF0REP | M7X-User physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZGLCPP | M7X-Report overrides physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZGOCPP | M7X-User printer overrides physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZGPCPP | M7X-User report overrides physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZGUCPP | M7X-User security physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZGVCPP | M7X-Data class security physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | MZHZCPP | M7X-Data security group physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | NECCDE | M7X-NEC codes | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | NECVND | M7X-NEC vendor buckets | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | OBJOIG | M7X-PSI-Auto object ID generation definitions | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | OBJSET | M7X-IDF-object settings table | |||||||||
M8W | AMFLIB | OBPTRN | M8W-Order-based transactions file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | OEIACC | M79-Account assignment file | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | OEISEQ | M79-Account assignment sequence file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | OEITXE | M7X-Oeitxe extension file | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | OPENAR | M74-Open receivables detail | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYH | M73-Open payables purchase order header | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYM | M73-Open payables invoice header | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYN | M73-Open payables item detail | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYO | M73-Open payables name and address | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYP | M73-Open payables payment detail | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYR | M73-Open payables reprint detail | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | OPNPAYS | M73-Open payables special charges detail | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | ORDREV | M7B-Order review file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | ORDSPH | M7X-Customer special charges history totals | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | OVERRD | M7K-Override address file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PAYTXN | M7X-Payable gl transaction detail | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | PCCACC | M71-Account assignment file | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | PCCSEQ | M71-Account assignment sequence file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PCCTXE | M7X-Pcctxe extension file | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | PCCTXN | M71-Transaction file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | PCKORD | M75-Pick list by order | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PERINT | M7B-Period intervals | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PGDEFN | M7X-Compile overrides file | |||||||||
M8W | AMFLIB | PLANNR | M8W-Planner file | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PLNINF | M7B-Planning information | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PLNLST | M7B-Last planning run information | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PLNORD | M7B-Planned order | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PLNSEQ | M7B-Planner sequencing information | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POBLKT | M7K-Purchase order blanket release detail file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POBLKX | M7X-Purchase order blanket release extension | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POCOMT | M7K-P.O. comment and debit memo record | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | PODEBT | M7K-Purchase order debit memo | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PODEBX | M7X-Purchase order debit memo extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHBLX | M7X-Purchase order blanket release extension histo | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHDBX | M7X-Purchase order history debit memo extension | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHISTB | M7K-Purchase order history-blanket releases | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHISTC | M7K-Purchase order history-comment file | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHISTD | M7K-Purchase order history-debit memo | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHISTI | M7K-Purchase order history-item file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHITX | M7X-Purchase order item extension history | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHMAX | M7X-Purchase order master extension history | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHMX1 | M7X-Purchase order master extension history | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHSTM | M7K-Purchase order history master file | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHSTO | M7K-Purchase order history vendor information | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | POHSTV | M7K-Purchase order history vendor item perf | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHTOT | M7X-Purchase order history totals | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHVRB | M7X-Purchase order blanket release variance info | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POHVRI | M7X-Purchase order item variance info | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | POITEM | M75-Purchase order item detail file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POITMX | M7X-Purchase order item extension | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | POMAST | M75-Purchase order master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POMASX | M7X-Purchase order master extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POMSTD | M7X-Purchase order master destination | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | POTOTL | M7X-Purchase order totals | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PPITBL | M7B-Server save of recpl and curpl fields | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PPITEM | M7B-Item planning information | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PPPLAN | M7B-Warehouse planning information and control | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PPPOWX | M7X-Planned order upload extension | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | PPPRCT | M7B-Item process table | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | PSTDTL | M8E-Product structure detail | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | PSTHDR | M8E-Product structure header | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PTFHS5 | M7X-PTF APPLY history file | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | PURACT | M7K-Purchasing activity | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | PURACX | M7X-Purchasing activity extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | QSTREF | M7X-MRI-Application questionnaire reference | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | QTYPRF | M75-Quantity/price master file | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | QUOCMF | M7K-Quotation master-comment record | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | QUOHDF | M7K-Quotation master header record | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | QUOHDX | M7X-Quotation master replication extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | REASON | M7X-Reason code | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | RECTXN | M7X-Receivable gl transaction detail | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | RELWRKH | M71-Order entry operation date | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | RELWRKK | M71-Order entry operation descriptions | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | REQCMF | M7K-Requisition comment file | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | REQHDF | M7K-Requisition header file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | REQHDX | M7X-Requisition extension | |||||||||
M7B | AMFLIB | REQMTS | M7B-Requirements physical file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | REQPUX | M7X-Purchase request extension 2 | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | RQHSTC | M7X-Requisition comment history | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | RQHSTR | M7X-Requisition history | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | RTGHDR | M8E-Routing header | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | RTGODS | M8E-Routing operation descriptions | |||||||||
M8E | AMFLIB | RTGOPR | M8E-Routing-standard operations for items | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SCHLOC | M7X-Receipt location | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SCHRCP | M7X-Schedule receipts | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SCRDRV | M7X-Infor XA SQL script driver | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | SHIPVF | M7K-Ship via file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SHPMST | M7X-Warehouse ship-to master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SITMST | M7X-Site master | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SITMSX | M7X-Site master replication extension | |||||||||
M79 | AMFLIB | SLDATA | M79-Location detail file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLDATX | M7X-Location detail extension | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | SLQNTY | M75-Location quantity file | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | SLRCPT | M75-Receipts to inspection | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLRHDR | M7X-XML request header | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLRTRF | M7X-Request transformation | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLRTRM | M7X-System-link request transformation master | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLRTXT | M7X-XML request text | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLRXML | M7X-XML requests | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | SLSMAS | M78-Sales rep master | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | SLSMEX | M7X-Sales rep extension | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | SLSMHI | M78-Sales analysis salesrep sales history | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | SLSMSA | M78-Sales rep interface | |||||||||
M78 | AMFLIB | SLSMSM | M78-Sales rep summary | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | STATCM | M74-Statement customer master | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | STATMT | M74-Statement print | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | STDHDR | M7K-Standard message header | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | STDMSG | M7K-Standard message master | |||||||||
M74 | AMFLIB | STMMSG | M74-Statement message file | |||||||||
M77 | AMFLIB | TEMGEN | M77-Temporary general ledger | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | TERMSF | M7K-Terms file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | THPUPC | M7X-ThruPut Planning Controls | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRGFCD | M7X-Trigger master field change defn | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRGFLT | M7X-Trigger filter file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRGKEY | M7X-Trigger xml key values | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRGMST | M7X-Trigger master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRGTGT | M7X-Trigger target file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRGXRF | M7X-Trigger master/filter/target xref | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | TRNDSC | M75-MRI-Transaction code description | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRNDTA | M7X-PSI-Transaction data | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRNMST | M7X-Transaction master | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRNMSX | M7X-Transaction master extension | |||||||||
M75 | AMFLIB | TRNSEL | M75-GL interface transaction type select file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TRNSTS | M7X-Transaction status | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TSKDEF | M7X-MRI-Task definition | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TSKDTL | M7X-User menu option task log | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TSKMSG | M7X-PSI-Task messages | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | TSKXRF | M7X-Task cross-reference | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | UBJOREP | M7X-User task source physical file | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | VENDSF | M7K-Vendor/item master-extended description | |||||||||
M7K | AMFLIB | VENITF | M7K-Vendor/item master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VENITW | M7X-Vendor/item/warehouse file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VENITX | M7X-Vendor/item master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VENIWX | M7X-Warehouse vendor item replication extensio | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VENNAM | M7X-Vendor master | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VENNAX | M7X-Vendor master extension | |||||||||
M73 | AMFLIB | VENROL | M73-Vendor contact rollodex | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VENROX | M7X-Vendor contact extension | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | VIWCMT | M7X-Vendor/item/warehouse comments | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | VNDASM | M8Z-Vendor aging summary | |||||||||
M8Z | AMFLIB | VNDIHS | M8Z-Invoice payment history(aphsts) | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | WHSMST | M7X-Warehouse master file | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | WHSMSX | M7X-Warehouse master extension | |||||||||
M71 | AMFLIB | WRKLST | M71-Work list control | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | WSMENU | M7X-Workspace menu hierarchy | |||||||||
M7X | AMFLIB | WSMNOP | M7X-Workspace menu strxa parameters | |||||||||
XXX | AMFLIB | ROUTNG | XXX-Routing Table (Holds averages: run time/ setup times) | |||||||||
XA (MAPICS) Table Identification