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  • Sandro Carosso
    started a topic Encode pdf file

    Encode pdf file

    I have to consume a fedex web service within an ILE RPG procedure, where I should indicate the commercial electronic document in binary format. The electronic document is available in pdf format on the IFS. How can I convert this file to a binary string to be included in the XML specification? A code...
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  • CaptainRon
    started a topic Converting Spool to PDF using CPYSPLF

    Converting Spool to PDF using CPYSPLF

    So I'm using a cpysplf to convert a spool file to PDF and putting it on the IFS. It works fine EXCEPT I do not get the page breaks etc. I need this to work so I can post to an online document management system.
    Anyone have some ideas?

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  • Gary B
    started a topic Zebra Labels to PDF anyone?

    Zebra Labels to PDF anyone?

    Hi All,

    We print a number of Zebra labels in our operation. Recently users asked if we could save labels so they could look at them when needed.

    Ideally this function would require manual intervention to create the doc in the ifs.

    Does anyone know of a way...
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  • Valdivia
    started a topic Missing Overlay within my PDF

    Missing Overlay within my PDF

    Created a PDF file with an overlay(Company Logo) and everything seems to be working fine. except, i lose the overlay after the first page within the PDF. Does anyone know why this happens. Thanks for your input, Pablo.
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  • Gary B
    started a topic Can I batch print PDFs?
    in IFS

    Can I batch print PDFs?

    We use the OVRPRTF command to produce PDF documents in our IFS and these documents use overlays. Does anyone know of a way to print these PDFs without opening them up on your PC and saying print. Thanks in advance for you help!
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  • CPYSPLF of a spooled file with overlay to PDF in IFS. Overlay gets cut off!

    Hello everyone,

    We're on V7R1 on our iSeries, and I'm having a problem with CPYSPLF to copy a spooled file with an overlay into the IFS, converting it to a PDF. FYI - we have installed PTF SI43471.

    The document prints landscape, and looks terrific, except the overlay is...
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  • Creating two PDF documents with OVRPRTF & placing a link to #1 in #2.


    I'm using two external print files to create two documents - an account statement (#1) and a coverpage (#2). We're using V7R1 in my shop, and OVRPRTF DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) TOSTMF(/home/myname/test.pdf) WSCST(*PDF) is working very nicely.

    However, I'd like to place a link...
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  • Bruce
    started a topic Converting *AFPDS printer file to PDF with jpg

    Converting *AFPDS printer file to PDF with jpg

    I am playing around with converting an printer file DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) to PDF output using the OVRPRTF WSCST(*PDF) parameter. The problem I am running into is with a jpg image not displaying in the PDF file. If I do a DSPF of the stream file on the iSeries it appears to be contained in the stream file...
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