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spool file x

  • Adein
    started a topic PHP generated spool file line breaks
    in PHP

    PHP generated spool file line breaks

    We've started using a lot more PHP to get some modern interfaces to some out AS/400 business logic.

    While doing this, I wrote a small program in PHP to look for field/variable names in the PHP code, so that if a Physical file changes not only should we do a find string to search through...
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  • SNDM not Displaying data correctly after upgrading to Outlok 2010

    So we have been using outlook 2007 forever and SNDM worked fine when using the command to send a file and display it in HTML format on the users email.. Now its all jumbled after we upgraded to 2010. Any ideas?
    Here is how we send
    SNDM FROM( 'Subject + ...
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  • alberto
    started a topic ISeries spool without overflow
    in DDS

    ISeries spool without overflow

    Hi everybody.
    Anybody knows how to create a spool file of one page only and a number of lines exceeding the classic limit of 255 ?
    Thank You !!!

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  • revaha84
    started a topic how to convert spool files from as400 to excel using java
    in JAVA

    how to convert spool files from as400 to excel using java

    Hi everyone.I need your help.
    I have to write a java program that is get spool files from as400 and convert it to excel format.Also this program works on windows. Is there any class in java for this job.does anyone know something about this?
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  • Jai82
    started a topic Read spool to see the status of job

    Read spool to see the status of job

    I need to check the spool file generated by one of the job schedule. No source code available for the programs which runs under this job schedule. But i know the spool file name, job name, OUTQ name where it goes. How do i read only the spool file generated by this job?

    P.S: There are...
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