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subfile x

  • Alexis.A
    started a topic Problem with interactive program and debbug

    Problem with interactive program and debbug


    I have an interactive program that is not working properly.
    In my program, I fill in a temporary file (via SQL) and then I process the file.

    Here is the SQL :
    EXEC SQL insert into wfictmp1
    (wservic, wimmeub, wnumcop, wdattrt)
    select servic, immeub,
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  • code401
    started a topic Reverse image on ONE sfl field
    in DDS

    Reverse image on ONE sfl field


    I have a sfl with 18 input fields. When there is an error, I would like that particular field to have reverse image turned on, rather than all the fields. How do I achieve this?...
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  • Alan S. Binkow
    started a topic DSPF issue - reading SFL records?
    in DDS

    DSPF issue - reading SFL records?

    OK, I've got a display file issue that is truly boggling my mind.

    In a particular DSPF, I've got several screens. The problem comes between Screen 2 and Screen 3. Screen 2 is a subfile.

    On Screen 2, I have a subroutine that reads thru each record on the subfile, and looks for...
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  • jepukpisey
    started a topic Multi selection in subfile

    Multi selection in subfile


    I am new in RPGLE. Just want to ask one question.

    How to make cursor focus on last selection?
    currently when i entered, cursor go to first record.

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  • How to write subfile and search record without physical file key?

    Hi seniors,

    I have a physical file without key and have to display in subfile in one category only.
    I cannot use key to chain the physical file and look for record. How can I do that?
    Firstly, user key in input 'A' then only records of category 'A' will be displayed....
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  • Vatchy
    started a topic Side by side subfile windows

    Side by side subfile windows

    I have a program with two side-by-side subfile windows. They are both display only and the one on the left automatically refreshes. They were each originally separate programs - without windows - and they both auto-refreshed. Each one worked perfectly. Combining the two programs and using a 27x132...
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  • Jerry G
    started a topic Determining "Active" record status / SFLRNA

    Determining "Active" record status / SFLRNA

    Hi, all. I'm using the SFLRNA keyword on a subfile used for data edit and entry, leaving a bunch of "inactive" records (for entry) following the records my program has filled (for edit).

    Is there a way to determine whether a particular record (using its RRN) is currently "Active"?...
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  • nishar
    started a topic Issues with Subfile

    Issues with Subfile

    In my DDS, I have used RRN1 along with SFLRCDNBR keyword. It is a load all subfile, so after loading all the 7 records, while displaying since the RRN1 = 7, my screen is showing the last page which has 7. Do I need to set the RRN1 back to 1 before the ExFmt? Then after displaying the subfile, I have...
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  • nishar
    started a topic Perfomance of different subfile types

    Perfomance of different subfile types

    Hi All,

    Which subfile perform better? Load all, single page or Self expanding? Why do we want these 3 types? Is there any scenario where we can use a particular type alone? Can anyone give an example for Self expanding subfile?

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  • jamief
    started a topic Page at a time subfile with SQL
    in SQL

    Page at a time subfile with SQL

    Well here I go again!
    First I’d like to say to Birgitta – Notice my sqldata is now called MySqlData…
    Here is the cursor definition
     *  openList  - Open a cursor to read file                 
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  • Adein
    started a topic Windowed subfile with header message

    Windowed subfile with header message

    I want to have a windowed subfile with a message on the first line of the window and the subfile starting on line 2 of the window.

    Is this possible?
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  • jianzk
    started a topic subfile problem.

    subfile problem.

    is it possible to display two or more different formats in a single subfile?? just like this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAAAAAAAAA 99999 BBBBB CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC AAAAAAAAAA 99999 BBBBB AAAAAAAAAA 99999 BBBBB CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ...
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  • Subfile loading page at a time in subprocedure

    Hello guys,

    I'm a new member of this forum. I know there are so many people who asked this before... well i'll just ask anyway...

    Do you have any sample codes in page at a time loading in subfile that has beed coded in /free format? would really appreciate it if it's a...
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    Last edited by cliffyboy18; July 30, 2008, 07:51 AM. Reason: incomplete message

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