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need help working with files on IFS

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  • vbp1@hotmail
    Re: need help working with files on IFS

    thanks for all your help.
    I made it working with "MOV OBJ(&FRMPATH) TODIR(&TOPATH) "
    command in CL.
    I call all the processing apps first. than call pgm to upload the file to FTP
    and if it is successful (using return parm)
    I call the MOV cmd

    works perfect

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  • Scott Klement
    Re: need help working with files on IFS

    Even easier than the methods described here would be to use a shell script, such as QShell. Is that a possiblity for you?

    QSH CMD('cd /home/mydir; for f in *.*; do mv $f ./processed; done')

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  • john.sev99
    Re: need help working with files on IFS

    Most commands that use the /Root naming convention simply don't have OBJ on the end (RNMOBJ becomes RNM etc etc). If you want to move your file to another directory after processing it, try the MOV command. I assume your RPG program knows the file name so could just issue the MOV once it's finished processing the file which might be simpler than building/maintaining a list of files to move later.

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  • tomliotta
    Re: need help working with files on IFS

    Here's a sample ILE CL program that accepts a directory name as input, reads the entries from the directory, and sends messages telling if the entry was created before or after 7 days ago:
    /* +
       Open a supplied directory, read each directory entry, determine create +
       date, note entries more than seven days old.                           +
       Subrs:                                                                 +
          InitDirDta - Initialize directory request data                      +
          OutEntry   - Send result messages for each entry                    +
          GetErrNo   - Retrieve any errno from APIs                           +
          Get_7Days  - Date seven days before today                           +
       APIs:                                                                  +
          opendir     - Open directory for reading entries                    +
          readdir     - Read next entry from directory                        +
          closedir    - Close the directory when done                         +
          Qp0lGetAttr - Get an attribute of a directory entry                 +
          ctime       - Convert data/time to string                           +
          __errno     - Pull errno from internal space                        +
          strerrno    - Get pointer to error string                           +
          strlen      - Get length of (null term) string                      +
          triml       - Get length of (null term) string if right blanks      +
          time        - Get current time as internal format                   +
    pgm    ( +
             &DirName     +
       dcl   &DirName     *char   256
       dcl   &FName       *char   640
       dcl   &rc          *int
       dcl   &subrc       *int
       dcl   &rtnrc       *int
       dcl   &Dir         *char   512
       dcl   &t1          *int
       dcl   &@CTime      *ptr
       dcl   &CTime       *char    24     stg( *BASED ) basptr( &@CTime )
       dcl   &@Dir        *ptr
     /* Directory entry DS */
       dcl   &@DirEnt     *ptr
       dcl   &DirEnt      *char  1024     stg( *BASED ) basptr( &@DirEnt )
       dcl   &snamlen     *uint           stg( *defined ) defvar( &DirEnt 53 )
       dcl   &sfname      *char   640     stg( *defined ) defvar( &DirEnt 57 )
       dcl   &szProv      *uint     4     value( 0 )
       dcl   &szNeed      *uint     4     value( 0 )
       dcl   &szRtn       *uint     4     value( 0 )
       dcl   &lPath       *int            value( 0 )
       dcl   &pathBuffer  *char  1185
       dcl    &CCSID      *int      4     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 1 )
       dcl    &RegionID   *char     2     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 5 )
       dcl    &LanguageID *char     3     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 7 )
       dcl    &Reserved1  *char     3     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 10 )
       dcl    &pathType   *int      4     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 13 )
       dcl    &lpathName  *int      4     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 17 )
       dcl    &pathDlmtr  *char     2     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 21 )
       dcl    &Reserved2  *char    10     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 23 )
       dcl    &pathNameIn *char  1153     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pathBuffer 33 )
    /* For Qp0lGetAttrNo attribute request and returned value  */
       dcl   &attrTypes   *char     8
       dcl    &attrNbrReq *uint     4     stg( *defined ) defvar( &attrTypes  1 )
       dcl    &attrReqstd *uint     4     stg( *defined ) defvar( &attrTypes  5 )
       dcl   &rtnBuffOvl  *char    32
       dcl    &rtnAttrDta *char    16     stg( *defined ) defvar( &rtnBuffOvl 17 )
       dcl     &crttime   *int            stg( *defined ) defvar( &rtnAttrDta  1 )
    /* For SUBR GetErrNo   */
       dcl   &@errno      *ptr
       dcl   &@strerror   *ptr
       dcl   &errno       *int            stg( *BASED ) basptr( &@errno )
       dcl   &strerror    *char   257     stg( *BASED ) basptr( &@strerror )
       dcl   &szErrStr    *int            value( 1 )
       dcl   &errstr      *char   257     value( ' ' )
    /* Indicate end-of-program   */
       dcl   &eoPgm       *lgl            value( '0' )
    /* Some constants   */
       dcl   &ATTRCRTTIM  *int            value( 4 )  /* QP0L_ATTR_CREATE_TIME */
       dcl   &SECSPERDAY  *int            value( 86400 )
       dcl   &SYMLINK     *uint     4     value( 1 )
       dcl   &X00         *char     1     value( x'00' )
    /* Null pointer for comparison   */
       dcl   &NULLPTR     *ptr
       monmsg    ( cpf0000 mch0000 cpf9999 ) exec( goto StdErr )
       callsubr    InitDirDta   rtnval( &subrc )
       callprc     'opendir'          ( &Dir ) rtnval( &@Dir )
       if ( &@Dir *ne &NULLPTR )  do
          dountil  ( &@DirEnt *eq &NULLPTR )
             callprc     'readdir'       ( (&@Dir *byval) ) ( &@DirEnt )
             if ( &@DirEnt *ne &NULLPTR )  +
                callsubr    OutEntry     rtnval( &subrc )
       chgvar      &eoPgm             ( '1' )
       if ( *not &eoPgm )  do
          monmsg (cpf0000 cpf9999 mch0000)
       callprc     'closedir'         ( (&@Dir *byval) ) rtnval( &rc )
       monmsg (cpf0000 cpf9999 cee0000 mch0000)
    /* +
       Output messages noting older than seven days or not                    +
    subr     OutEntry
       if ( &snamlen *gt 0 )  do
          chgvar         &FName   %sst( &sfname 1 &snamlen )
        /* Ignore '.' and '..' entries... */
          if ( &FName *ne '.' *and &FName *ne '..' )  do
             chgvar      &lpathName         ( &lPath + 1 + &snamlen )
             chgvar      &pathNameIn        ( +
                                              &DirName *tcat '/' *cat +
                                              &FName   *tcat +
                                              &X00  +
           /* Get create-date of this entry... */
             callprc  'Qp0lGetAttr'   ( +
                                        &pathBuffer  +
                                        &attrTypes   +
                                        &rtnBuffOvl  +
                                        ( &szProv *byval )     +
                                        &szNeed      +
                                        &szRtn       +
                                        ( &SYMLINK *byval )    +
                                      ) +
                                rtnval( &rc       )
             if ( &rc *eq 0 )  do
              /* Convert time value to string for message... */
                callprc  'ctime'         ( &crttime ) rtnval( &@CTime )
              /* Note create date/time of entry... */
                sndpgmmsg   msgid( CPF9898 ) msgf( QCPFMSG ) +
                              msgdta( +
                                      'Object Found'   *bcat +
                                      &CTime           *bcat +
                                      &FName                 +
                                    ) +
                              msgtype( *INFO )
              /* Send message depending on too old or not... */
                if ( &crttime *lt &t1 )  do
                   sndpgmmsg   msgid( CPF9898 ) msgf( QCPFMSG ) +
                              msgdta( +
                                      'Aged too old:'  *bcat +
                                      &FName                 +
                                    ) +
                              msgtype( *INFO )
                else  do
                   sndpgmmsg   msgid( CPF9898 ) msgf( QCPFMSG ) +
                              msgdta( +
                                      'Recent file:'   *bcat +
                                      &FName                 +
                                    ) +
                              msgtype( *INFO )
                chgvar   &rtnrc       ( 0 )
           /* In case of error, report error... */
             else  do
                callsubr GetErrNo
                chgvar   &rtnrc             ( -1 )
       rtnsubr rtnval( &rtnrc )
    /* -------------------  */
    /* +
       Get any current API error message                                      +
       subr  GetErrNo
       callprc     '__errno'    rtnval( &@errno )
       callprc     'strerror'         ( +
                                        ( &errno   *byval ) +
                                      ) +
                                rtnval( &@strerror )
       callprc     'strlen'           ( &strerror ) rtnval( &szErrStr )
       chgvar            &errstr        %sst( &strerror 1 &szErrStr )
       rtnsubr rtnval( 0 )
    /* -------------------  */
    /* +
       Initialize structures for opening directory and 7-days date/time       +
       subr  InitDirDta
       chgvar            &Dir               ( &DirName *tcat &X00 )
     /* Trim to find length (could use 'strlen' instead)... */
       callprc  'triml'  ( +
                           &Dir         +
                           ( ' '   *byval ) +
                         ) +
                   rtnval( &lPath )
       chgvar            &CCSID             ( 0 )
       chgvar            &RegionID          ( x'0000' )
       chgvar            &LanguageID        ( x'000000' )
       chgvar            &Reserved1         ( x'000000' )
       chgvar            &pathType          ( 0 )
       chgvar            &lpathName           &lPath
       chgvar            &pathDlmtr           '/'
       chgvar            &Reserved2         ( x'00000000000000000000' )
       chgvar            &attrNbrReq        ( 1 )
       chgvar            &attrReqstd        ( &ATTRCRTTIM )
       chgvar            &szProv            ( 32 )
       chgvar            &szNeed            ( 0 )
       chgvar            &szRtn             ( 0 )
       callsubr    Get_7Days    rtnval( &subrc )
       rtnsubr rtnval( 0 )
    /* -------------------  */
    /* +
       Calculate date/time value for seven days ago                           +
       subr  Get_7Days
     /* Determine current time... */
       callprc  'time'      ( +
                              &NULLPTR     +
                            ) +
                      rtnval( &t1 )
     /* Subtract 7 days from date/time integer value... */
       chgvar            &t1                ( &t1 - ( &SECSPERDAY * 7 ))
       rtnsubr rtnval( 0 )
    /* -------------------  */
    Note that the input parm needs to account for the declared CHAR(256) length. If you call from a command line, pad the parm with blanks out to at least 256 characters to avoid memory garbage. Also note that it requires at least V5R4 to compile.

    It's not a fully functional process. It's only some code I used a few years ago for some testing. But it might demonstrate enough APIs to show you how to do what you want.

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  • Scott M
    Re: need help working with files on IFS

    Scott Klement has a tutorial and examples here that show how to use the IFS in RPGLE. I use it all the time to do exactly what you want to do.

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  • EmmanuelW1
    Re: need help working with files on IFS

    Sure - you can move the files from CL using the MOV command.

    You can read a file from CL using the DCLF and RCVF commands.

    You can generate a file of directory contents using the RTVDIRINF command (*PUBLIC authority to the command is *EXCLUDE).



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  • vbp1@hotmail
    started a topic need help working with files on IFS

    need help working with files on IFS

    as subj. says I need help working with files on IFS.

    I have a folder on IFS "/home/mydir"
    this folder is used to FTP files onto AS/400 for further processing,
    basically I get the file from FTP server and import them into database.
    the files are CSV type.

    I use CL to run FTP script to get the files in the folder and RPGLE program to import the data into appropriate PF/Tables as needed.

    the ftp script also generates the file list to describe what files will need to be processed. this is needed since I get 2 distinct file types in the process and each needs to be properly processed into PF.

    now I want to move all processed files into a sub-folder "/home/mydir/processed"

    currently as my RPG program processes the file it adds the record to a TXT member which is later used to create an FTP rename script
    that I use to move the files. I want to eliminate the FTP part and use native CL code to move this files

    how do I do that?

    the idea is that after I process all data into PF I can use the same file list I used for processing to move the files into sub-folder.

    right now I do that by building and the ftp script based on the list and than calling a CL with the script as input. can I simply read the file list in the CL and build a move command for each entry?

    can I get the dir listing with in the CL based on wild card and use the output in a loop to build a move command?

    PS: if I can get the IFS dir list within RPGLE program and used that for processing it would also help streamline the process.
