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  • Convert CLP to CLLE - getting 'Pointer not set...' on RMVMSG command

    Good Afternoon, thanks in advance for your help. I have an old CLP program that I converted to CLLE by changing the type in PDM. It compiled fine. When I ran the new CLLE I am getting 'Pointer not set for location referenced' on a RMVMSG command, set as follows: RMVMSG PGMQ(*SAME) CLEAR(*ALL)...
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  • castle123
    started a topic using error file on cpyfrmimpf

    using error file on cpyfrmimpf

    I have a CL doing a cpyfrmimpf and I want to output to an error file, when I test I am going message Field Definition or Error file ICRLESTER in MYLIB not allowed. Originally I had the error file as an sql table but found some online info that said it should be multi member dds file, not sure why the...
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  • vijayrmca
    started a topic Need to put the same query as DB2 in SQLRPGLE

    Need to put the same query as DB2 in SQLRPGLE


    I am having one DB2 query

    SELECT year(current date)*10000 +
    month(current date)*100 +
    day(current date-1 days),count(*) FROM mstfile.

    Above query gives me the result as 20200108 ,100 as output...
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  • CaptainRon
    started a topic Canceling Interactive Programs

    Canceling Interactive Programs

    SO I have a similar post form way back when. However that solution will not work.. So I thought I would see if anyone else has an idea.
    A user sits in a program for 10 minutes. I know this b/c we write out to a file with a timestamp and user id with a bunch of other goodies I would need to end...
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  • CaptainRon
    started a topic Journal Receive Issue

    Journal Receive Issue

    We have a Journal that we use RCVJRNE with.
                 FILE((XXX/YYYY) +        
    Everything seems to work fine except I think its...
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  • CaptainRon
    started a topic STRPCCMD leaving black 5250 screen

    STRPCCMD leaving black 5250 screen

    All, this works just fine

    Except when you call it from the 5250 screen and it opens up a browser the 5250 screen is black and waiting on you to click it before it will display the screen back to where you called the CL from.
    Anyone else...
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  • pratikra
    started a topic How to calculate week number for month in CLLE?

    How to calculate week number for month in CLLE?

    Please help me out as i want to automate a task and main part is calculating week number of month. I have tried a logic where you retrieve 1st day of week of the month and then add to the current date and divide by 7.
    It seems to work just fine but gets stuck on some days when the week starts...
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  • Mukund
    started a topic French Characters in the File.

    French Characters in the File.

    Hello All,

    I am merging two files and after the merge process is completed, the destination file has changed the French characters into junk values.

    I am not able to correctly view the French characters. I tried the available options of changing the CCSID to 297 which...
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  • ShadowBoss
    started a topic Running CHGDTA command in CL programming?

    Running CHGDTA command in CL programming?

    Hi folks, this is a task I've received from my online professor, who is conveniently away for a month after assigning this lol....(tl;dr version at bottom)

    I'm trying to create a CL program that will run a DFU program that I've already created.

    Breakdown of what's what:...
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  • vbp1@hotmail
    started a topic need help working with files on IFS

    need help working with files on IFS

    as subj. says I need help working with files on IFS.

    I have a folder on IFS "/home/mydir"
    this folder is used to FTP files onto AS/400 for further processing,
    basically I get the file from FTP server and import them into database.
    the files are...
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  • KrishnaAS400
    started a topic CL program entery missing in JOBLOG & Spool

    CL program entery missing in JOBLOG & Spool

    Hi all,
    I have a CLP program C1 which is using SBMJOB inside the program to run 5 different batch jobs, and when i submit C1, i am getting Spool entries only for the internal submit jobs submitted by C1, but there is no entry for C1. But I want to get the starting time and ending time of my...
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  • WarrenN
    started a topic Problem with the RUNJVA command

    Problem with the RUNJVA command

    I'm trying to run a .jar file from a CLP. I know the java works and I can execute the .jar directly from command line, but when trying to run it from a CLP I keep getting an error that java.version does not match JAVA_HOME environment variable. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, as I set the environment...
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  • CPD0031 30 Command WRKMBRPDM not allowed in this setting

    Greetings all,

    I've been lurking for a few weeks now, so now it's time to test all of your knowledge with a big challenge (ha).

    I'm a newbie to iSeries, but not I.T. (+20 yrs in mainly p.c. / 'doze admin .. some 'nix).

    I've been puttering around at the free...
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  • WarrenN
    started a topic CPYTOIMPF leaving out records

    CPYTOIMPF leaving out records

    I'm trying to use CPYTOIMPF to extract the data in my table to a tab delimited text file. It seems to work okay, except that it keeps leaving out the last 2-3 records. Any ideas on why this might be happening? The command and parameters I'm using are below.

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  • ravikiran032
    started a topic Reading PARM incorrectly

    Reading PARM incorrectly


    i have written the below code but while passing the parameter by calling with CALL PGM(mylib/FTOQ_LHM) PARM('PKMB11211D/Q0000033') from command line. it is reading the parameter as PKMB11211D/Q0000033 < long space> 033') Q_LHM. Could you please advise on this....
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