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dspf x

  • jason.aleski
    started a topic Too much input for one screen

    Too much input for one screen

    I've been tasked with modifying a display file that is already jammed with input. Basically I have an asset with a ton of attributes (not a subfile). I've added the appropriate fields to the data file, but when working on the display file, I just don't have enough room. I think the best approach...
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  • code401
    started a topic Reverse image on ONE sfl field
    in DDS

    Reverse image on ONE sfl field


    I have a sfl with 18 input fields. When there is an error, I would like that particular field to have reverse image turned on, rather than all the fields. How do I achieve this?...
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  • Alan S. Binkow
    started a topic DSPF issue - reading SFL records?
    in DDS

    DSPF issue - reading SFL records?

    OK, I've got a display file issue that is truly boggling my mind.

    In a particular DSPF, I've got several screens. The problem comes between Screen 2 and Screen 3. Screen 2 is a subfile.

    On Screen 2, I have a subroutine that reads thru each record on the subfile, and looks for...
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  • techMas400
    started a topic PRINT SCREEN of DSPF
    in DDS



    I need to create a function to take a print screen for the display file on Spool (to be redirected to a printer) shown to user via a function key.
    I read about the PRINT keyword on the IBM information center, I'm sure that I'm not using it properly and so it doesn't produce...
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  • techas400
    started a topic Track change in cursor field of subfile

    Track change in cursor field of subfile

    Hello Folks,

    I have a DSPF that loads a subfile. Now i want to monitor a change in one of the fields of the subfile to capture whether any change has been made to this value.

    eg: I have a subfile field Item_Code(Editable on screen) that gets populated from a program along with...
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  • techas400
    started a topic Cursor positon reading blank value from DSPF
    in DDS

    Cursor positon reading blank value from DSPF

    Hello All,

    I am tring to prompt on a field which returns some value but the RTNCSRLOC for Cursor field (CSRFLD) that has been defined in DSPF reads a blank value. Why does this happen.
    The logic has also been incorporated iinto the RPGLE program for CSRFLD for some "A"....
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  • techas400
    started a topic Add input error

    Add input error

    I have a program RPGLE which conditonally invokes a function key.

    For instance:
    If Screen A is opened then this RPG will have a function key F15 and if Screen B is opened this rpg will check if indicator is on and accordingly hide the functionality of this key.
    I have been able...
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  • techas400
    started a topic Autogenerated ID field

    Autogenerated ID field

    Is it possible to have a field on my display file called Emp ID which is autogenerated and protected?
    Protected i can go about doing it from the "Select Display attribute" options and assigning an indicator.But how can i have that field as autogenerated.Please guide.
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  • techas400
    started a topic How to apply edit keyword to display file field

    How to apply edit keyword to display file field

    I am stuck as to how to apply keyword of

    CHECK(ER) to one of the fields on display file.

    I tried entering * in front of the field value and going to the keyword prompt but its no where to be seen.

    Please help guys.
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  • techas400
    started a topic How to update a value to a PF

    How to update a value to a PF

    I have a rpg that calls another rpg.
    The first rpg is used to save data based on completely new entries in Item Master table(Item codes are unique)
    The second rpg is called to save additional data onto the data for which the item code are already existing in Item Master.
    SO in both...
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  • How to retrieve system date from display file to rpg program

    I have a display file that is defined as decimal date.I want it to fetch the system date and be used a variable in my rpg program.

    I have defined a PF that has a date variable 6 length 0 decimal PACKED.I am aware that by using *DATE in display file we can fetch system date.But i want...
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  • kausix777
    started a topic DSPF in SQLRPGLE - SQL1001 error

    DSPF in SQLRPGLE - SQL1001 error

    This is the first time I was trying an SQLRPGLE program with a DSPF.
    There is no subfile involved.

    This is the DSPF declaration:
    FUT436SD   CF   E             WORKSTN INDDS(Indicators)
    The DSPF has certainly been compiled and it exists (library masked)....
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  • Gary B
    started a topic 5250 Colors go bye-bye
    in DDS

    5250 Colors go bye-bye

    We are experiencing a problem and I can find no hint of this being reported anywhere, I'm hoping someone here has an idea of what is happening to us.

    At times a 5250 session will stop displaying the colors indicated in the DDS and displays fields in only the default color.
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